Atlassian SDK Upgrade to Java 8

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We’ve upgraded to Java 8! Our SDK now requires that you run with JDK 1.8. Given the recent end-of-life of Java 7, our products are on the road to deprecating JDK 1.7 as a supported environment. For you add-on devs out there, you’ll need to upgrade your environment to Java 8 and JDK 1.8. If you’ve run your environment lately and ran into issues such as a blank screen, read on to update and get back into action!

Updating a previously installed Vagrant box

To make the transition easy, we’ve updated the Vagrant boxes to automatically include Java 8. If you’re new to add-on development, simply follow the instructions for environment setup, and you’ll be good to go. If you have previously installed the Vagrant box for local development, you’ll need to dismantle and rebuild it. Thankfully there are just a few steps to get you back up and running with the latest SDK!

Please note that the vagrant destroy step is, well, destructive! You will lose any changes you’ve made to the virtual machine, so back up anything you hold dear!

  1. Back-up any work from the vagrant box.
  2. vagrant halt
  3. vagrant box update
  4. vagrant destroy
  5. vagrant up

Updating a local installation of the SDK

For an environment not using the Vagrant box, the steps are easy! Just go to the Oracle website and download the Java 8 SDK for your platform. You can install it from there and re-run your local environment. Simple as that!

How to find supported platforms in the future.

If you’re interested in keeping up-to-date on supported environments for Atlassian products, check out each product’s supported platforms page.