Change notice – required encoding of some character for Jira Cloud REST APIs

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As part of our continued focus on the security of our Cloud platform, and a recent Tomcat update we’ve made, we’re introducing changes that’ll require the encoding of some characters used in REST API calls. We’ll make these changes on the 1st of April next year (2019), giving developers and consumers of Jira Cloud APIs six months to make any necessary changes. These changes are not related to other GDPR-related API updates we’re currently making.

Unsupported URL characters

These changes require the following characters to be encoded:

- " < > [ ] ^ ` { | }

Using these characters in a browser will auto-encode them, but URLs including the characters will not be supported when left unencoded and used programmatically in scripts or API calls.

To find out more about this change please check out the official change notice.