Connecting metrics to components in Compass helps you track their performance and that of their owner teams.
Metrics in Compass are global across the site. It means that you can connect a metric available on your Compass site to any component on the same site.
We will show you how to connect a metric to a component in Compass.
To connect a metric to a component:
Go to your component’s Overview page.
Select the field under the Metrics section.
On the Connect a metric dialog, select a metric from the Metric dropdown list.
Select Connect.
You can add a given metric only once per component.
Once you connect a metric to a component, Compass creates a metric source for that metric on the component. A metric source contains values that provide numerical data about the component for a given metric. Tools such as source code repositories, incident trackers, and CI/CD tools, emit these metric values.
Some metric sources automatically calculate values from events on the attached component. See our page on Derived Metrics for more information.
For all other metric sources, you can use our REST API to push the metric values from your tool to the component’s metric source, and hence on to the component in Compass. We provide you with a cURL command to call the REST API. Learn how to push metric values to a component using a cURL command
JQL metrics in Compass require a credential to be set because they need to access Jira data securely and in compliance with Jira's permission settings. Each request to Jira for issue counts must be made in the context of a user, ensuring that the data retrieved respects the permissions and visibility settings of that user. This approach helps maintain data integrity and security, as it prevents unauthorized access to Jira data. Note that although a user context is required to retrieve data from Jira, issue counts retrieved using the credential will be visible to all full users in Compass.
Additionally, Compass provides visual indicators for metric sources that do not have an actor set, allowing you to quickly identify and fix any issues with unset actors.
A component’s metric value gives you an indication of how your component or the team managing the component is performing. Metrics can be distributed across several tools and processes that a software team uses during development and operations, for example, source code repositories, incident tracking tools, or CI/CD tools. Compass gives you the ability to view these metrics from a single place.
You can view a component’s metric values in Compass by connecting a metric to it and pushing metric values to your component.
Before you view a metric value in Compass, ensure that you’ve:
To view a component’s metrics:
Go to your component’s Overview page.
Locate the metric you want to view in the Metrics section.
The value of the metric is displayed on the metric tile.
If you no longer want to track a metric for a component, you can disconnect the metric from it.
Disconnecting a metric from a component also removes the metric from that component along with the metric values associated with that component. If you reconnect the same metric again to the component at a later time, you’ll need to push values again to it. The values prior to the disconnection are not retained.
Disconnecting a metric from a component doesn’t affect other components that have the same metric on them, nor does it delete the metric from the Compass site.
To disconnect a metric:
Go to your component’s Overview page.
In the Metrics section, locate and hover on the the metric you want to remove.
Select More actions () on the metric tile for the metric you want to disconnect, then select Disconnect.
Select Disconnect.
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