Last updated Jan 14, 2025

This article highlights a new alerting feature that's natively available in Compass which is gradually rolling out to some Compass customers. It may not yet be visible or available on your site.

Launch your team operations

Compass’s alerting features are configured and managed through a team’s operations. However, not every team needs to manage their IT operations. Because of that, a product admin or a team member needs to manually launch alerting features to get started with IT operations management.

To launch your team’s operations:

  1. From your top navigation, go to Operations.
  2. Go to Overview and click on Enable Operations.
  3. Select your Team and click on Get started.
  4. Read through the instructions and select Next.
  5. Review team members and assign admins to manage operations configurations. Non-admin team members won’t be able to manage on-call schedules, set integrations and perform other admin activities but they can still view the detail of their operations. When done, select Next.
  6. If you have team members who don’t have access to Compass select them from the list, and select Confirm. Otherwise, select Skip this.
  7. Done! Now you have access to all alerting features and we’ll redirect you to your team’s operations dashboard. You can visit your team’s operations from your team’s detail page.

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