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DROID - External Ingestion vs Read Through Comparison
Consider read-through integration if:
If you require <20ms latency for cache-misses (your backing store is too slow), or your ‘active/frequently-accessed record set’ exceeds 10GB, consider other integration paths.
For a comprehensive operational checklist for Read Through, please refer to the DROID Operational Readiness Checklist.
We’ll need the following:
1 2# from third-party-services.metadata: config-registry: asapAudience: config-registry allowedIssuers: - "micros-group/tcs-ref-client" recordType: CONFIGREGISTRY baseUrl:
DROID uses ASAP keys for authentication. For more information on how to set up ASAP keys, see here.
Consumers can raise a pull-request adding their ASAP issuer to the access control list, for each of your record types. We ask that consumers discuss their requirements with the read-through providers either prior or on the PR.
Cache limits are defined for each record-type. When a cache is full, records will be evicted. While these values can be tuned later based on cache-hit ratios, it’s helpful to understand:
TCS has separate caches for 200 (Found), 404 (Not Found) and any exceptions (other codes). Both size and expiry are independently configurable.
A connection limit (between TCS and each backing-store) is configurable by record-type. This limit exists to prevent 'noisy-neighbour' problems harming TCS, and to protect the backing-store service.
The limit is configured as x requests in-flight per-record-type, is tracked independently by each EC2 instance. Typically, each TCS region has 4-8 nodes per-region (usually 4). TCS is currently deployed in six regions. For example, with the default limit of ‘16 parallel requests’, a maximum of 16 (requests) * 4 (ec2 instances) * 6 (regions) = 360 requests could be made to the backing-store service.
It’s possible to configure.
If the limit is exceeded, TCS will reject (HTTP 429) requests for the record-type until the # of connections falls below the limit. Consumers should expect and handle this response.
When a cache-miss for a key occurs, DROID will make a HTTP GET request to your backing service. For more information on this API contract, see here.
Content in the DROID read-through cache can be invalidated by sending events via StreamHub. For more information on this, see here.
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