{ "info": { "_postman_id": "68295ee3-2569-4403-b701-c33addc5e85f", "name": "Atlassian Marketplace API", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.0.0/collection.json" }, "item": [ { "name": "Promotions", "item": [ { "name": "Get promotions paged", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions/paged", "query": [ { "key": "limit", "value": "{{limit}}", "disabled": true, "description": "Number of result in the response (only for Server and Data Center)" }, { "key": "offset", "value": "{{offset}}", "disabled": true, "description": "If specified, skips ahead by this number of items (only for Server and Data Center)" }, { "key": "order-by", "value": "{{order-by}}", "disabled": true, "description": "If specified, sorts the promotions based on the supplied order by parameter. Uses descending order by default." }, { "key": "active-only", "value": "{{active-only}}", "disabled": true, "description": "If specified, returns active promotions only" }, { "key": "hosting-type", "value": "{{hosting-type}}", "disabled": true, "description": "If specified, filters promotions based on the supplied hosting type parameter" }, { "key": "app-key", "value": "{{app-key}}", "disabled": true, "description": "If specified, filters promotions based on the supplied app key" }, { "key": "ascending", "value": "{{ascending}}", "disabled": true, "description": "If specified, sorts promotion in ascending order" }, { "key": "nextId", "value": "{{nextId}}", "disabled": true, "description": "To navigate in the forward direction, provide the next page Id (only for cloud Promotions)" }, { "key": "prevId", "value": "{{prevId}}", "disabled": true, "description": "To navigate in the backward direction, provide the previous page Id (only for cloud Promotions)" } ], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json" } ], "description": "Get a list of promotions for the specified partner in paginated way.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get promotions", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json" } ], "description": "Get a list of promotions for the specified partner.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.\n\n**It is strongly recommended to use paginated API. Refer [Get promotions paged](/platform/marketplace/rest/v1/api-group-promotions/#api-marketplace-catalog-partners-partnerid-promotions-paged-get)**", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create promotion", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "POST", "header": [ { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }, { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json" } ], "description": "Create a new promotion for the specified partner.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } }, "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get promotion", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions/:promotionId", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionId", "value": "{{promotionId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion. (UUID for Cloud promotions and string for Server/DC promotions)", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json" } ], "description": "Get a specific promotion for the specified partner.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update promotion", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions/:promotionId", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionId", "value": "{{promotionId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion. (UUID for Cloud promotions and string for Server/DC promotions)", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "description": "Update a specific promotion for the specified partner.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } }, "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get promotion codes", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions/:promotionId/codes", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionId", "value": "{{promotionId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion. (UUID for Cloud promotions and string for Server/DC promotions)", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json" } ], "description": "Get a list of single-use codes for the specified promotion.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create promotion code", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions/:promotionId/codes", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionId", "value": "{{promotionId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion. (UUID for Cloud promotions and string for Server/DC promotions)", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "POST", "header": [], "description": "Create a new single-use code for the specified promotion.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get promotion code", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions/:promotionId/codes/:promotionCode", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionId", "value": "{{promotionId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion. (UUID for Cloud promotions and string for Server/DC promotions)", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionCode", "value": "{{promotionCode}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion code", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json" } ], "description": "Get a specific single-use code for the specified promotion.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete promotion code", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions/:promotionId/codes/:promotionCode", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionId", "value": "{{promotionId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion. (UUID for Cloud promotions and string for Server/DC promotions)", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionCode", "value": "{{promotionCode}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion code", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "DELETE", "header": [], "description": "Delete a specific single-use code for a specific promotion associated with a specific partner.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get promotion status", "request": { "url": { "protocol": "{{protocol}}", "host": "{{host}}", "path": "{{basePath}}marketplace/catalog/partners/:partnerId/promotions/:promotionId/status", "query": [], "variable": [ { "key": "partnerId", "value": "{{partnerId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this partner", "disabled": false }, { "key": "promotionId", "value": "{{promotionId}}", "description": "The unique identifier for this promotion. (UUID for Cloud promotions and string for Server/DC promotions)", "disabled": false } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [ { "description": "", "disabled": false, "key": "Accept", "value": "application/json" } ], "description": "Get a specific promotion status for the specified partner.\n\nThis resource requires authentication.", "auth": { "type": "basic", "basic": { "username": "{{username}}", "password": "{{apiToken}}" } } }, "response": [] } ] } ], "variable": [ { "key": "protocol", "name": "Protocol", "description": "The HTTP Protocol that should be used for this REST API.", "type": "string", "value": "https" }, { "key": "host", "name": "Host", "description": "The HTTP host that should be used for this REST API.", "type": "string", "value": "api.atlassian.com" }, { "key": "basePath", "name": "Base Path", "description": "The path, after the host, of the base of the REST API.", "type": "string", "value": "" } ] }