Last updated May 3, 2021

App context security

When using Forge, your app may have access to contextual information that originates from various sources. Since data originating from or passing through the browser can be altered or tampered with, it's important to understand which parts of this contextual information are guaranteed to be secure, unalterable, and thus valid to be used for authorization purposes.

When you use contextual information that is not guaranteed to be secure and unalterable, it is your responsibility to ensure that usage of this contextual information does not allow a customer to have any sort of unauthorized access. You may use the secure parts of the contextual information to determine and authorize access. For example, you can use the accountId in the custom UI resolver context payload to check a user's access to some content.

UI Kit and Custom UI

For UI Kit, the contextual information is available through the use of Hooks, methods from the Bridge package, and Invoke method. The same methods, Bridge and Invoke, are also applicable for accessing contextual information in Custom UI.

Custom UI resolver

Only license, accountId, accountType, and installContext from the context parameter in each resolver function are guaranteed to be secure, unalterable, and valid to be used for authorization.

Custom UI bridge

You should not use the contextual information from the getContext API for authorization, as it is able to be modified in the browser and is not guaranteed to be secure, unalterable, and valid to be used for authorization.

UI Kit 1

Contextual information is made available in UI Kit via the useProductContext hook.

Only license, accountId and installContext are guaranteed to be secure, unalterable, and valid to be used for authorization.

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