Last updated Nov 11, 2020

Install Forge on Linux

In this short guide you'll install and configure the software required to work with the Forge platform on a Linux platform.

Set up Node.js

Forge developers on Linux should use the OS package manager and Node Version Manager (nvm) to configure the environment.

The Forge CLI requires a fully supported LTS release of Node.js installed; namely, versions 18.x or 20.x.

  1. Install Node.js via package manager. See the Node.js package manager documentation for a list of supported platforms.

  2. Install nvm.

  3. Select the latest Node.js LTS release by running the following in the terminal:

    nvm install --lts
    nvm use --lts
  4. Check your Node.js version, run the following in the terminal:

    node --version

Which outputs your node version.

Next steps

You're ready to continue the Forge getting started guide, next you'll install the Forge CLI.

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