Last updated Dec 21, 2020

Install Forge on macOS

In this short guide you'll install and configure the software required to work with the Forge platform on a macOS platform.

Set up Node.js

The Forge CLI requires a fully supported LTS release of Node.js installed; namely, versions 18.x or 20.x.

Forge developers on macOS should use Node Version Manager (nvm) to configure the environment.

  1. Install nvm.

  2. Select the latest Node.js LTS release by running the following in the terminal:

    nvm install --lts
    nvm use --lts
  3. Check your Node.js version, run the following in the terminal:

    node --version

Which outputs your node version.

(Optional) Node.js installer

Skip this step if you have successfully completed Set up Node.js section.

You can install Node.js using the macOS installer, however this results in permission errors when working with the Forge CLI. If you must use the installer, you'll need to enable unsafe permissions to use the Forge global package when installing Node.js using this method.

  1. Download the LTS installer from Node.js.

  2. Install the package.

  3. Configure npm, permitting unsafe permissions:

    npm config set unsafe-perm true

Next steps

You're ready to continue the Forge getting started guide, next you'll install the Forge CLI.

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