Control REST API / Reference / REST API

The admin control APIs provide a comprehensive suite of tools that allow you to manage and govern your organizational entity, including:

  • Establishing policies
  • Modifying policies
  • Associating resources with your policies

Permission: Organization admin


Authentication is implemented via an API key. Use the API Key as a Bearer access token to authenticate the script and manage your organization. The Organization ID is used as a unique identifier in the path parameter for the organization. Copy the Organization ID and API key and keep them in a secure place. We won’t show them to you again.

To make requests to the API with the client/tool of your choice, Create an API key and get the organization ID.

Rate limits

A rate limit defines the maximum number of API calls an application or user can perform during a specific time frame. When this threshold is surpassed, or if CPU or total time constraints are exceeded, the application or user might encounter delays. Consequently, API requests initiated by the user or application will not succeed.

It is essential to note that all API requests are subjected to rate limits.

When a client breach the rate limit thresholds, they get HTTP 429 Too Many Requests responses. The client has to wait for the rate limit counter to reset on the server before being able to make successful requests.

Rate limit response headers

The following HTTP response headers are returned indicating the rate and threshold allowed for a client for each endpoint.

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: The number of allowed requests in the current period
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of remaining requests in the current period
  • X-RateLimit-Reset: Next period reset time (ISO 8601 - Date and time in UTC)

Version and URI

The URIs for resources have the following structure:



The admin control REST API uses pagination to conserve server resources and limit response size. If there are more results available after the current page, a link to the next page of results is included in the JSON. You can use the cursor parameter to set a specific starting point for the results.

Experimental features

Methods marked as experimental may change without an earlier notice. We are looking for your feedback for these methods.


There are several concepts that are common ideas with a unique meaning in Atlassian Administration. Learn more about terminology related to the cloud admin experience.

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