In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the External Assets Platform in Jira. To do this, you’ll configure Jira to use the external asset platform custom field, add assets using the REST API, and create an app that uses the asset issue panel module to display an iframe in the asset panel of an issue.
For this guide, you'll set up and use a new Atlassian Cloud developer instance. Feel free to use your own instance instead, but don't use a production site.
Now that you have an Atlassian Cloud instance, the next step is to add the custom field that is used for assets.
You've now added the assets field to Jira but it's empty. In the next section, you'll add some assets.
In this section, you'll create assets via the assets REST API. The procedure below uses curl to send requests, but feel free to use your own REST client.
Make the request shown below. It will create one asset using the asset PUT Endpoint:
1 2$ curl -X PUT \ https://${YOUR_ATLASSIAN_DOMAIN} \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -d '{ "origin": { "appKey": "my-app", "originId": "randomoriginid" }, "label": { "value": "iPad 12 pro" } }' --user ${USERNAME}${TOKEN}
You should see an output similar to this:
1 2{ "origin": { "appKey": "my-app", "originId": "randomoriginid" }, "label": { "value": "iPad 12 pro" }, "fields": [] }
Navigate to the issue view again. Open the Assets field and try searching one more time. You should see the asset we added the list.
You have added the assets custom field and added an asset to Jira via the REST API. Next, you'll create an app to show the asset in Jira. The asset will be displayed in an iframe in the Assets panel of an issue.
The most basic app consists of an HTML page and the app descriptor. In this section, you'll create the web application for the HTML page.
For production environments, we recommend bundling CSS and JS files with your site, rather than relying on a third-party CDN.
Install nodejs and npm. This guide uses version 10.15.
Install http-server globally in nodejs:
1 2$ npm install -g http-server
Create a new directory to serve the sample HTML page that will be used as the iframe (note, the module descriptor will also be served from this directory):
1 2$ mkdir ${HOME}/public/my-app
Create a sample HTML file for the iframe:
1 2$ vim sample_iframe.html
Add the following content to the file and save it:
1 2<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all"> <script src="" async></script> </head> <body> <section id="content" class="ac-content"> <h1>Welcome to my app!</h1> <p id="appKey"></p> <p id="originId"></p> </section> <script type="text/javascript"> const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const appKey = urlParams.get('appKey'); const originId = urlParams.get('originId'); document.getElementById("appKey").textContent = `The App Key Is: ${appKey}`; document.getElementById("originId").textContent = `The Origin Id Is: ${originId}`; </script> </body> </html>
Serve the newly created page:
1 2$ http-server -p 8000
This will start a webserver running on localhost port 8000.
Create an ngrok tunnel to your local server:
1 2$ ngrok http 8000
You’ll see output in your terminal similar to what’s shown below.
Use the https URL from the output above and construct a URL for your sample page, as shown below:
1 2https://${NGROK_SUBDOMAIN}
Now that you have created a web application, the next part of creating an app is to create the module descriptor. The module descriptor will provide information about our app and, most importantly, it provides the callback URL that will fetch the iframe to be displayed in the asset panel.
1 2$ vim atlassian-connect.json
1 2{ "key": "my-app", "name": "My App", "description": "My asset Management app", "baseUrl": "${YOUR_BASE_URL}", "authentication": { "type": "none" }, "modules": { "assetPanels": [ { "key": "my-app", "url": "/sample_iframe.html?appKey={asset.appKey}&originId={asset.originId}", "name": { "value": "Asset panel" } } ] } }
1 2https://${NGROK_SUBDOMAIN}
You've created the app. Now you just need to install it.
Follow the Install and test your app step in Atlassian Connect's Getting started.
Open the issue view again and add the asset you created.
Click the chevron to expand the panel.
The asset that you added via the REST API should show in the iframe provided by the app you created.
Congratulations, you’ve completed this guide. You should now know how to use the External Assets Platform in Jira. You can use the app you’ve created in this guide to add your own logic and implement your own asset management flow.
If your app is whitelisted in our list of apps, once you install your app, the Assets custom field will be created automatically. Also your icon will be displayed next to the asset's label in the assets field.
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