Last updated Sep 10, 2024

Configuring your project

Configuring your project to work with Bamboo

Configuring your project to work with Bamboo is as simple as configuring the bamboo-maven-plugin that comes with the Atlassian Plugin SDK.


where amps.version is the version of the Atlassian Plugin SDK you're using, and ao.version the version of the Active Objects plugin you're using. bamboo.version is the version of Bamboo you want to use.

Configuring your project to work with Confluence

Configuring your project to work with Confluence is as simple as configuring the confluence-maven-plugin that comes with the Atlassian Plugin SDK


where amps.version is the version of the Atlassian Plugin SDK you're using, and ao.version the version of the Active Objects plugin you're using. confluence.version is the version of Confluence you want to use.

Configuring your project to work with FishEye or Crucible

Configuring your project to work with FishEye/Crucible is as simple as configuring the fecru-maven-plugin that comes with the Atlassian Plugin SDK.


where amps.version is the version of AMPS you are using (greater than or equal to 8.0.0), and ao.version the version of the Active Objects plugin you're using (greater than or equal to 0.5.10). fecru.version is the version of FishEye/Crucible you are targeting (greater than or equal to 2.7.0-20110906235809).

FishEye/Crucible version 2.7.0 bundles ActiveObjects and is fully supported

Configuring your project to work with Jira

Configuring your project to work with Jira is as simple as configuring the jira-maven-plugin that comes with the Atlassian Plugin SDK


where amps.version is the version of the Atlassian Plugin SDK you're using, and ao.version the version of the Active Objects plugin you're using. jira.version is the version of Jira you want to use.

Configuring your project to work with the Refapp

Configuring your project to work with the Refapp is as simple as configuring the refapp-maven-plugin that comes with the Atlassian Plugin SDK. In your pom.xml edit your plugin according to the following:


where amps.versionrefapp.versionao.version and refappspi.version are the versions you want to use.

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