Last updated Dec 1, 2023

Data Loss Prevention

Atlassian's Data Loss Prevention (DLP) capabilities are designed to empower your organization to identify and prevent the inadvertent sharing, transfer, or unauthorized use of sensitive data. They will help you monitor and safeguard sensitive data across various Atlassian products, ensuring a unified and secure environment.

This proactive approach not only enhances data security but also assists you in achieving compliance with stringent government regulations.

These features help you manage user access, provide an additional layer of security for your data, and respond to unusual activity in your Atlassian cloud products. With these features, you can:

  • Protect: Apply rules and controls to proactively protect users and data at scale;

  • Detect: Discover and detect sensitive data, data misuse, and anomalous user behaviors; and

  • Respond: Review and investigate suspicious events and take steps to remediate.

Data classification

Data classification is the process of identifying and categorizing information in an organization. It serves as the foundation of a data governance strategy in many organizations, particularly those that need to comply with government or other regulatory rules. Data classification can be based on different taxonomies, such as data sensitivity, data type, or regulatory requirements. What taxonomy an organization uses will depend on the specific needs of the organization. Data classification can be useful to help manage rules and expectations around how to create, store, manage, move, or delete data within or outside an organization.

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