• Rest
Automation / Reference / REST API


Postman Collection

This is the reference for the Automation REST API. This API is the primary way to get and modify data in Automation across products. Use it to interact with Automation entities, like rules.

Authentication and authorization

Authentication: Authentication requires an API token or browser session cookies.

Authorization: Authorization is based on the user making the request and the product-level permissions they have that relate to the entities they are interacting with.

See Authentication or Authorization for more details.

Status codes


The Automation REST API uses cursor-based pagination: a method that returns a response with multiple objects can only return a limited number at one time. This limits the size of responses and conserves server resources.

Use the 'limit' parameter to specify the desired number of results per page.

If more results are available after the initial page a links section will include an opaque cursor that can be used request the next page of results.

Cursors are opaque and not intended to be constructed by an API consumer. Consumers must treat them as opaque strings. The format of a cursor may change at any time and is not part of our API contract.

Cursors have a TTL after which they will not be valid for use. For most APIs this is 1 hour.


The Automation REST API path-based versioning.

The API version is included in the request path e.g. /rest/v1/rule/manual/search.

A special version latest is an alias to the most recent version of a particular operation e.g. /rest/latest/rule/manual/search.

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