A keyword in CQL is a word or phrase that:
Used to combine multiple clauses, allowing you to refine your search.
Find all blogposts with the label "performance"
label = "performance" and type = "blogpost"
Find all pages created by the user with the accountId 99:27935d01-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a9b8d3b2ae2e
in the DEV space
1 2type = page and creator = "99:27935d01-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a9b8d3b2ae2e" and space = DEV
Find all content that mentions the user with the accountId 99:27935d01-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a9b8d3b2ae2e
but was not created by the same user
1 2mention = "99:27935d01-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a9b8d3b2ae2e" and creator != "99:27935d01-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a9b8d3b2ae2e"
Used to combine multiple clauses, allowing you to expand your search.
Find all content in the IDEAS space or with the label idea
1 2space = IDEAS or label = idea
Find all content last modified before the start of the year or with the label needs_review
1 2lastModified < startOfYear() or label = needs_review
Used to negate individual clauses or a complex CQL query (a query made up of more than one clause) using parentheses, allowing you to refine your search.
Find all pages with the "cql" label that aren't in the dev space
1 2label = cql and not space = dev
Used to specify the fields by whose values the search results will be sorted.
By default, the field's own sorting order will be used. You can override this by specifying ascending order ("asc
") or descending order ("desc
Not all fields support Ordering. Generally, ordering is not supported where a piece of content can have multiple values for a field, for instance ordering is not supported on labels.
Find content in the DEV space ordered by creation date
1 2space = DEV order by created
Find content in the DEV space ordered by creation date with the newest first, then title
1 2space = DEV order by created desc, title
Find pages created by the user with the accountId 99:27935d01-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a9b8d3b2ae2e
ordered by space, then title
1 2creator = "99:27935d01-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a9b8d3b2ae2e" order by space, title asc
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