This page provides details of scope mappings which can be utilised when assessing an app's eligibility for minor updates when moving from Connect to Forge.
Apps moving from Connect to Forge will have to add OAuth2 scopes to interact with APIs from Forge UI, Forge Functions and Forge Remote. Apps which opt in to the preview of minor updates may avoid manual update approval when their Forge apps satisfies the prerequisite criteria when compared to the customer's currently installed Connect app.
Currently any changes to the set of scopes declared by an app in their Forge Manifest will trigger an admin-approved update.
A small subset of Forge OAuth2 scopes are marked UNMAPPED
below, indicating that their adoption will always require admin-approval. These OAuth2 scopes are associated with APIs that are not accessible using Connect scopes.
The tables below list Forge OAuth2 scopes for both Jira and Confluence, the scope description and the proposed mapped Connect Scope. The Connect Scope inheritance rules also apply.
OAuth2 Scope | Description | Proposed Connect Equivalent |
manage:jira-configuration | Take Jira administration actions (e.g. create projects and custom fields, view workflows, manage issue link types). | ADMIN |
manage:jira-project | Create and edit project settings and create new project-level objects (e.g. versions and components). | PROJECT_ADMIN |
manage:jira-webhook | Register and manage Jira webhooks. | WRITE |
read:jira-user | View user information in Jira that the user has access to, including usernames, email addresses, and avatars. | READ |
read:jira-work | Read Jira project and issue data, search for issues, and objects associated with issues like attachments and worklogs. | READ |
write:jira-work | Create and edit issues in Jira, post comments as the user, create worklogs, and delete issues. | DELETE |
OAuth2 Scope | Description | Connect Equivalent |
delete:async-task:jira | Delete asynchronous task. | READ |
delete:attachment:jira | Delete issue attachments. | DELETE |
delete:avatar:jira | Delete system and custom avatars. | ADMIN |
delete:board-scope.admin:jira-software | Remove board configuration, features, and properties. | DELETE | | Delete issue comment properties. | DELETE |
delete:comment:jira | Delete issue comments. | DELETE | | Delete dashboard properties. | DELETE |
delete:dashboard:jira | Delete dashboards. | DELETE |
delete:field-configuration-scheme:jira | Delete field configuration schemes. | ADMIN |
delete:field-configuration:jira | Delete field configurations. | ADMIN |
delete:field.option:jira | Delete field options. | ADMIN |
delete:field:jira | Delete fields. | ADMIN |
delete:filter.column:jira | Delete filter columns. | DELETE |
delete:filter:jira | Delete filters. | DELETE |
delete:group:jira | Delete user groups. | ADMIN |
delete:issue-link-type:jira | Delete issue link types. | ADMIN |
delete:issue-link:jira | Delete issue links. | DELETE |
delete:issue-type-scheme:jira | Delete issue type schemes. | ADMIN |
delete:issue-type-screen-scheme:jira | Delete issue type screen schemes. | ADMIN | | Delete issue type properties. | ADMIN |
delete:issue-type:jira | Delete issue types. | ADMIN | | Delete issue worklog properties. | DELETE |
delete:issue-worklog:jira | Delete issue worklogs. | DELETE | | Delete issue properties. | DELETE |
delete:issue.remote-link:jira | Delete issue remote links. | DELETE |
delete:issue:jira | Delete issues. | DELETE | | Allows the app to delete organisation entity properties | DELETE |
delete:organization.user:jira-service-management | Allows the app to remove members from organisations | DELETE |
delete:organization:jira-service-management | Allows the app to delete organisations | DELETE |
delete:permission-scheme:jira | Delete permission schemes. | ADMIN |
delete:permission:jira | Delete permissions. | ADMIN |
delete:project-category:jira | Delete project categories. | ADMIN |
delete:project-role:jira | Delete project roles. | ADMIN |
delete:project-version:jira | Delete project versions. | PROJECT_ADMIN |
delete:project.avatar:jira | Delete project avatars. | PROJECT_ADMIN |
delete:project.component:jira | Delete project components. | PROJECT_ADMIN | | Delete project properties. | DELETE |
delete:project:jira | Delete projects and their details, such as issue types, project lead, and avatars. | ADMIN | | Allows the app to remove feedback data from requests | DELETE |
delete:request.notification:jira-service-management | Allows the app to remove the subscription status of the user from requests | WRITE |
delete:request.participant:jira-service-management | Allows the app to remove participants (user) data from requests | DELETE | | Allows the app to delete request type entity properties | DELETE |
delete:screen-scheme:jira | Delete screen schemes. | ADMIN |
delete:screen-tab:jira | Delete screen tabs. | ADMIN |
delete:screen:jira | Delete screens. | ADMIN |
delete:screenable-field:jira | Delete screenable fields. | ADMIN |
delete:servicedesk.customer:jira-service-management | Allows the app the delete customers from service desks | UNMAPPED |
delete:servicedesk.organization:jira-service-management | Allows the app the delete organisations from service desks | DELETE |
delete:sprint:jira-software | Delete sprints and their properties. | DELETE |
delete:user-configuration:jira | Delete user configurations. | ACT_AS_USER | | Delete user properties. | DELETE |
delete:webhook:jira | Delete webhooks. | READ |
delete:workflow-scheme:jira | Delete workflow schemes. | ADMIN | | Delete workflow properties. | ADMIN |
delete:workflow:jira | Delete workflows. | ADMIN |
manage:servicedesk-customer | Create, manage and delete customers and organizations. Add and remove customers and organizations from service desks | ADMIN |
read:app-data:jira | Read connect app properties data | READ |
read:application-role:jira | View application roles. | READ |
read:attachment:jira | View issue attachments. | READ |
read:audit-log:jira | View audit logs. | READ |
read:avatar:jira | View system and custom avatars. | READ |
read:board-scope.admin:jira-software | Read the board configuration, features, properties, related projects, filters, and quick filters. | READ |
read:board-scope:jira-software | Read boards and backlogs, and their issues. Read related reports and versions. | READ | | View issue comment properties. | READ |
read:comment:jira | View issue comments. | READ |
read:custom-field-contextual-configuration:jira | Read custom field contextual configurations. | READ |
read:customer:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read customer accounts information | READ | | View dashboard properties. | READ |
read:dashboard:jira | View dashboards. | READ |
read:email-address:jira | View email addresses of all users regardless of user’s profile visibility settings. | ACCESS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES |
read:epic:jira-software | Read epics and their issues, and search for epics. Read issues from the Issues without epics category. | READ |
read:field-configuration-scheme:jira | View field configuration schemes. | ADMIN |
read:field-configuration:jira | Read field configurations. | ADMIN |
read:field.default-value:jira | View field default values. | READ |
read:field.option:jira | View field options. | READ |
read:field:jira | View fields. | READ |
read:filter.column:jira | View filter columns. | READ |
read:filter.default-share-scope:jira | View filter default share scopes. | READ |
read:filter:jira | View filters. | READ |
read:group:jira | View user groups. | READ |
read:instance-configuration:jira | View instance configurations. | ADMIN |
read:issue-details:jira | View issue details. | READ |
read:issue-event:jira | Read issue events. | ADMIN |
read:issue-link-type:jira | View issue link types. | READ |
read:issue-meta:jira | View issue meta. | READ |
read:issue-security-level:jira | View issue security levels. | READ |
read:issue-security-scheme:jira | View issue security schemes. | ADMIN |
read:issue-status:jira | View issue statuses. | READ |
read:issue-type-hierarchy:jira | Read issue type hierarchies. | READ |
read:issue-type-scheme:jira | View issue type schemes. | ADMIN |
read:issue-type-screen-scheme:jira | View issue type screen schemes. | ADMIN | | View issue type properties. | READ |
read:issue-type:jira | View issue types. | READ | | View issue worklog properties. | READ |
read:issue-worklog:jira | View issue worklogs. | READ |
read:issue.changelog:jira | View issue changelogs. | READ | | View issue properties. | READ |
read:issue.remote-link:jira | View issue remote links. | READ |
read:issue.time-tracking:jira | View issue time trackings. | READ |
read:issue.transition:jira | View issue transitions. | READ | | View issue votes. | READ |
read:issue.watcher:jira | View issue watchers. | READ |
read:issue:jira | View issues. | READ |
read:issue:jira-software | Read the details of issues, including Agile fields, and their estimations. | READ |
read:jira-expressions:jira | View jira expressions. | READ |
read:jql:jira | View JQL. | READ |
read:knowledgebase:jira-service-management | Allows the app to search and list KB articles | READ |
read:label:jira | View labels. | READ |
read:license:jira | View licenses. | READ |
read:notification-scheme:jira | View notification schemes. | ADMIN | | Allows the app to read organisation entity properties | READ |
read:organization.user:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read organisation membership information | READ |
read:organization:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read organisation information | READ |
read:permission-scheme:jira | View permission schemes. | READ |
read:permission:jira | View permissions. | READ |
read:priority:jira | View priorities. | READ |
read:project-category:jira | View project categories. | READ |
read:project-role:jira | View project roles. | READ |
read:project-type:jira | View project types. | READ |
read:project-version:jira | View project versions. | READ |
read:project.avatar:jira | Read project avatars. | READ |
read:project.component:jira | View project components. | READ | | View project emails. | READ |
read:project.feature:jira | Read project features. | READ | | View project properties. | READ |
read:project:jira | View projects. | READ |
read:queue:jira-service-management | Allows the app to list queues | READ |
read:request.approval:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read approval data from requests | READ |
read:request.attachment:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read attachment data from requests | READ |
read:request.comment:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read comment data from requests | READ | | Allows the app to read feedback data from requests | READ |
read:request.notification:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read the subscription status of the user for requests | READ |
read:request.participant:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read participant (user) data from requests | READ |
read:request.sla:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read SLA data from requests | READ |
read:request.status:jira-service-management | Allows the app to read status/transition data from requests | READ |
read:request:jira-service-management | Allows the app to list & search requests | READ | | Allows the app to read request type desk entity properties | READ |
read:requesttype:jira-service-management | Allows the app to list & search request types | READ |
read:resolution:jira | View resolutions. | READ |
read:screen-field:jira | View screen fields. | ADMIN |
read:screen-scheme:jira | View screen schemes. | ADMIN |
read:screen-tab:jira | View screen tabs. | ADMIN |
read:screen:jira | View screens. | READ |
read:screenable-field:jira | View screenable fields. | ADMIN |
read:servicedesk-request | Read customer request data, including approvals, attachments, comments, request participants, and status/transitions. Read service desk and request types, including searching for request types and reading request type fields, properties and groups. | READ |
read:servicedesk.customer:jira-service-management | Allows the app the list customers of service desks | READ |
read:servicedesk.organization:jira-service-management | Allows the app to list organisations to service desks | READ |
read:servicedesk:jira-service-management | Allows the app to list & search service desks | READ |
read:sprint:jira-software | Read the details of sprints, their issues, and properties. | READ |
read:status:jira | View statuses. | READ |
read:user-configuration:jira | View user configurations. | READ |
read:user.columns:jira | View user columns. | READ | | View user properties. | READ |
read:user:jira | View users. | READ |
read:webhook:jira | View webhooks. | READ |
read:workflow-scheme:jira | View workflow schemes. | ADMIN | | View workflow properties. | ADMIN |
read:workflow:jira | View workflows. | READ |
send:notification:jira | Send notifications. | WRITE |
validate:jql:jira | Validate JQL. | READ |
write:app-data:jira | create, modify and delete app properties data | READ |
write:attachment:jira | Create and update issue attachments. | WRITE |
write:avatar:jira | Create and update system and custom avatars. | ADMIN |
write:board-scope.admin:jira-software | Create boards, save the board configuration, features, and properties. | WRITE |
write:board-scope:jira-software | Move issues between boards and backlogs. | WRITE | | Create and update issue comment properties. | WRITE |
write:comment:jira | Create and update issue comments. | WRITE |
write:custom-field-contextual-configuration:jira | Save custom field contextual configurations. | ADMIN |
write:customer:jira-service-management | Allows the app to create customer accounts (user) | ADMIN | | Create and update dashboard properties. | WRITE |
write:dashboard:jira | Create and update dashboards. | WRITE |
write:epic:jira-software | Save epics, add and remove issues from epics, and rank epics. | WRITE |
write:field-configuration-scheme:jira | Create and update field configuration schemes. | ADMIN |
write:field-configuration:jira | Save field configurations. | ADMIN |
write:field.default-value:jira | Create and update field default values. | ADMIN |
write:field.option:jira | Create and update field options. | ADMIN |
write:field:jira | Create and update fields. | ADMIN |
write:filter.column:jira | Create and update filter columns. | WRITE |
write:filter.default-share-scope:jira | Create and update filter default share scopes. | WRITE |
write:filter:jira | Create and update filters. | WRITE |
write:group:jira | Create and update user groups. | ADMIN |
write:instance-configuration:jira | Create and update instance configurations. | ADMIN |
write:issue-link-type:jira | Create and update issue link types. | ADMIN |
write:issue-link:jira | Create and update issue links. | WRITE |
write:issue-type-scheme:jira | Create and update issue type schemes. | ADMIN |
write:issue-type-screen-scheme:jira | Create and update issue type screen schemes. | ADMIN | | Create and update issue type properties. | ADMIN |
write:issue-type:jira | Create and update issue types. | ADMIN | | Create and update issue worklog properties. | WRITE |
write:issue-worklog:jira | Create and update issue worklogs. | WRITE | | Create and update issue properties. | WRITE |
write:issue.remote-link:jira | Create and update issue remote links. | WRITE |
write:issue.time-tracking:jira | Create and update issue time trackings. | ADMIN | | Create and update issue votes. | WRITE |
write:issue.watcher:jira | Create and update issue watchers. | WRITE |
write:issue:jira | Create and update issues. | WRITE |
write:issue:jira-software | Rank issues and save their estimations. | WRITE | | Allows the app to write organisation entity properties | WRITE |
write:organization.user:jira-service-management | Allows the app to add members to organisations | ADMIN |
write:organization:jira-service-management | Allows the app to create organisations | ADMIN |
write:permission-scheme:jira | Create and update permission schemes. | ADMIN |
write:permission:jira | Create and update permissions. | ADMIN |
write:project-category:jira | Create and update project categories. | ADMIN |
write:project-role:jira | Create and update project roles. | ADMIN |
write:project-version:jira | Create and update project versions. | PROJECT_ADMIN |
write:project.avatar:jira | Create and update project avatars. | PROJECT_ADMIN |
write:project.component:jira | Create and update project components. | PROJECT_ADMIN | | Create and update project emails. | PROJECT_ADMIN |
write:project.feature:jira | Save project features. | PROJECT_ADMIN | | Create and update project properties. | WRITE |
write:project:jira | Create and update projects. | ADMIN |
write:request.approval:jira-service-management | Allows the app to act on approvals of requests (e.g approve, deny, …) | WRITE |
write:request.attachment:jira-service-management | Allows the app to add attachments to requests | WRITE |
write:request.comment:jira-service-management | Allows the app to add comments to requests | WRITE | | Allows the app to write feedback data on requests | WRITE |
write:request.notification:jira-service-management | Allows the app to change the subscription status of the user for requests | WRITE |
write:request.participant:jira-service-management | Allows the app to add participants (user) data from requests | WRITE |
write:request.status:jira-service-management | Allows the app to execute transitions on requests | WRITE |
write:request:jira-service-management | Allows the app to create requests | WRITE | | Allows the app to write request type entity properties | WRITE |
write:requesttype:jira-service-management | Allows the app to create or modify request types | PROJECT_ADMIN |
write:screen-scheme:jira | Create and update screen schemes. | ADMIN |
write:screen-tab:jira | Create and update screen tabs. | ADMIN |
write:screen:jira | Create and update screens. | ADMIN |
write:screenable-field:jira | Create and update screenable fields. | ADMIN |
write:servicedesk-request | Create and edit customer requests, including add comments and attachments, approve, share (add request participants), subscribe, and transition. | WRITE |
write:servicedesk.customer:jira-service-management | Allows the app the add customers to service desks | WRITE |
write:servicedesk.organization:jira-service-management | Allows the app the add organisations to service desks | WRITE |
write:sprint:jira-software | Save, move issues to sprints, and change the order of sprints. | WRITE |
write:user-configuration:jira | Create and update user configurations. | ACT_AS_USER | | Create and update user properties. | WRITE |
write:webhook:jira | Create and update webhooks. | READ |
write:workflow-scheme:jira | Create and update workflow schemes. | ADMIN | | Create and update workflow properties. | ADMIN |
write:workflow:jira | Create and update workflows. | ADMIN |
OAuth2 Scope | Description | Proposed Connect Equivalent |
manage:confluence-configuration | Manage global settings. | WRITE |
read:confluence-content.all | Read all content, including content body (expansions permitted). Note, APIs using this scope may also return data allowed by read:confluence-space.summary. However, this scope is not a substitute for read:confluence-space.summary. | READ |
read:confluence-content.permission | View content permission in Confluence. | READ |
read:confluence-content.summary | Read a summary of the content, which is the content without expansions. Note, APIs using this scope may also return data allowed by read:confluence-space.summary. However, this scope is not a substitute for read:confluence-space.summary. | READ |
read:confluence-groups | Permits retrieval of user groups. | READ |
read:confluence-props | Read content properties. | READ |
read:confluence-space.summary | Read a summary of space information without expansions. | READ |
read:confluence-user | View user information in Confluence that you have access to, including usernames, email adresses and profile pictures. | READ |
readonly:content.attachment:confluence | Download attachments of a Confluence page or blogpost that you have access to. | READ |
search:confluence | Search Confluence. Note, APIs using this scope may also return data allowed by read:confluence-space.summary and read:confluence-content.summary. However, this scope is not a substitute for read:confluence-space.summary or read:confluence-content.summary. | READ |
write:confluence-content | Permits the creation of pages, blogs, comments and questions. | WRITE |
write:confluence-file | Upload attachments. | WRITE |
write:confluence-groups | Permits creation, removal and update of user groups. | ADMIN |
write:confluence-props | Write content properties. | WRITE |
write:confluence-space | Create, update and delete space information. | DELETE |
OAuth2 Scope | Description | Proposed Connect Equivalent |
delete:attachment:confluence | Delete attachments. | DELETE |
delete:comment:confluence | Create and update comments. | DELETE |
delete:content:confluence | Delete content such as pages, blogposts, whiteboards, databases, Smart Links, folders, comments, or attachments. | DELETE |
delete:custom-content:confluence | Delete custom content. | DELETE |
delete:database:confluence | Delete databases. | DELETE |
delete:embed:confluence | Delete Smart Links. | DELETE |
delete:folder:confluence | Delete folders. | DELETE |
delete:page:confluence | Delete pages. | DELETE |
delete:space:confluence | Delete spaces. | DELETE |
delete:whiteboard:confluence | Delete whiteboards. | DELETE |
read:analytics.content:confluence | View analytics for content. Note that this does not provide access to the content itself. | READ |
read:attachment:confluence | View and download attachments of a page or blogpost that you have access to. | READ |
read:audit-log:confluence | View and export audit records for Confluence events. | ADMIN |
read:comment:confluence | View comments on pages or blogposts. | READ |
read:configuration:confluence | View Confluence settings, themes and system information. | READ |
read:content-details:confluence | View details regarding content and its associated properties. | READ |
read:content.metadata:confluence | View information about the content. Note that this does not provide access to the content itself. | READ |
read:content.permission:confluence | Check if a user or a group can perform an operation to the specified content. | READ | | View properties associated with a content. | READ |
read:content.restriction:confluence | View the restrictions on the content. | READ |
read:content:confluence | View all contents, such as pages, blogposts, whiteboards, databases, Smart Links, folders, comments, and attachments. | READ |
read:custom-content:confluence | View custom content. | READ |
read:database:confluence | View database data, such as its content id and title | READ |
read:email-address:confluence | View email addresses of all users regardless of the user’s profile visibility settings. | ACCESS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES |
read:embed:confluence | View Smart Link data, such as its content id and title | READ |
read:folder:confluence | View folder data, such as its content id and title | READ |
read:group:confluence | View details about groups including its members. | READ |
read:inlinetask:confluence | Search and view inline tasks. | READ |
read:label:confluence | View labels associated with the content or space. | READ |
read:page:confluence | View page content. | READ |
read:relation:confluence | View relationships between two entities. | READ |
read:space-details:confluence | View details regarding spaces and their associated properties. | READ |
read:space.permission:confluence | View space permissions. | READ | | View properties associated with the space. | READ |
read:space.setting:confluence | View space settings and themes. | READ |
read:space:confluence | View space details | READ |
read:task:confluence | View Confluence tasks. Note that is only used for V2 APIs | READ |
read:template:confluence | View content templates. | READ | | View properties associated with the user. | READ |
read:user:confluence | View user details. | READ |
read:watcher:confluence | View the watchers associated with the contents, spaces or labels. | READ |
read:whiteboard:confluence | View whiteboard data, such as its content id and title | READ |
write:attachment:confluence | Create and update attachments. | WRITE |
write:audit-log:confluence | Create records in the audit log. | ADMIN |
write:comment:confluence | Create and update comments. | WRITE |
write:configuration:confluence | Update Confluence settings, including global look and feel. | WRITE | | Create, update and delete properties associated with a content. | WRITE |
write:content.restriction:confluence | Update the restrictions on the content. | WRITE |
write:content:confluence | Create and update content, such as pages, blogposts, whiteboards, databases, folders, and Smart Links. | WRITE |
write:custom-content:confluence | Create and update custom content. | WRITE |
write:database:confluence | Create and update databases. | WRITE |
write:embed:confluence | Create and update Smart Links. | WRITE |
write:folder:confluence | Create and update folders. | WRITE |
write:group:confluence | Create and delete groups. | ADMIN |
write:inlinetask:confluence | Update inline tasks and mark as either completed or not. | WRITE |
write:label:confluence | Add and remove labels associated with the content or space. | WRITE |
write:page:confluence | Create and update pages. | WRITE |
write:relation:confluence | Create and update relationships between two entities. | WRITE |
write:space.permission:confluence | Update space permissions. | WRITE | | Create, update and delete properties associated with the space. | WRITE |
write:space.setting:confluence | Update space settings and themes. | WRITE |
write:space:confluence | Create and update spaces. | WRITE |
write:task:confluence | Update Confluence tasks. Note that is only used for V2 APIs | WRITE |
write:template:confluence | Create, update and delete content templates. | DELETE | | Create, update and delete properties associated with the user. | WRITE |
write:watcher:confluence | Add and remove content watchers. | WRITE |
write:whiteboard:confluence | Create and update whiteboards. | WRITE |
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