Last updated Mar 24, 2024

View Descriptor

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The fluid descriptor for provisioning a View.


JSON Schema

# view
# The fluid descriptor for provisioning a View.

apiVersion: "v1alpha1"                      # [required] [enum] The current version of this resource | Choose one of either: v1alpha1
id: "id"                                    # [required] [view-ari] A unique identifier for the view being described
name: "name"                                # [required] [non-empty string] The name of the view
summary: "summary"                          # [required] [non-empty string] Short description about the resource being described
documentation: "documentation"              # [optional] [uri] URL link to documentation about the resource being described
status: "Archived"                          # [optional] [enum] Lifecyle status of the resource being described | Choose one of either: Archived, Available, Decommissioned, Deleted, Deprecated, Development, Preview
managed: "full"                             # [optional] [enum] Indicates if the resource is fully managed (full, or if omitted) or metadata managed (metadata) | Choose one of either: full, metadata
contacts:                                   # [optional] Contact objects for the resource being described
  # Any of:
  author:                                   # [optional] [non-empty array] List of Slack channels and/or emails to contact for questions about the descriptor
    ## One of:
    - email: "email"                        # [optional] [email contact] A contact email address
    ## OR
    - slack: "slack"                        # [optional] [non-empty slack contact] Slack channel for contacting or alerting purposes
    ## End one of
  # OR
  support:                                  # [optional] [non-empty array] List of Slack channels and/or emails to contact for help about the descriptor
    ## One of:
    - email: "email"                        # [optional] [email contact] A contact email address
    ## OR
    - slack: "slack"                        # [optional] [non-empty slack contact] Slack channel for contacting or alerting purposes
    ## End one of
  # OR
  operations:                               # [optional] [non-empty array] List of Slack channels and/or on-call schedules to send alerts and notifications related to the descriptor
    ## One of:
    - slack: "slack"                        # [optional] [non-empty slack contact] Slack channel for contacting or alerting purposes
    ## OR
    - opsgenie: "opsgenie"                  # [optional] [non-empty opsgenie contact] Name of your Opsgenie schedule. Can be found here
    ## End one of
  # End any of
query:                                      # [required] SQL powering the view
  # One of:
  sql: "sql"                                # [optional] [non-empty string] SQL query
  # OR
  file: "file"                              # [optional] [uri] File containing SQL query
  # End one of
columns:                                    # [required] [non-empty array] List of one or more columns that make up this view
  - id: "id"                                # [required] [attribute-ari] An unique identifier for the attribute being described
    name: "name"                            # [required] [non-empty string] The name of the attribute
    status: Available                       # [optional] [enum] Current status stage of this object. Available is the default stage and indicates the object is good to be consumed. Deprecated indicates the object is still usable but is intended for deprecation. Deleted marks the object for deletion | Choose one of either: Available, Deprecated, Deleted
    summary: "summary"                      # [required] [non-empty string] Short description about the attribute
    codec:                                  # [required] Codec object for encoding/decoding data values
      # One of:
      type: "ARI"                           # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
      # OR
      arrayType:                            # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
        items:                              # [required] Array items
          ## One of:
          type: "ARI"                       # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
          ## OR
          arrayType:                        # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
            items:                          # [required] Array items
              ### One of:
              type: "ARI"                   # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
              ### OR
              arrayType:                    # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                items:                      # [required] Array items
                  #### One of:
                  type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      - name: "name"        # [required] [non-empty string] 
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### OR
              structType:                   # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                fields:                     # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                  #### One of:
                  - type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### OR
              mapType:                      # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                key:                        # [required] Map key entry
                  type: "ARI"               # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                value:                      # [required] Map value entry
                  #### One of:
                  type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      - name: "name"        # [required] [non-empty string] 
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### End one of
          ## OR
          structType:                       # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
            fields:                         # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
              ### One of:
              - type: "ARI"                 # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
              ### OR
              - arrayType:                  # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  items:                    # [required] Array items
                    #### One of:
                    type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
              ### OR
              - structType:                 # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  fields:                   # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                    #### One of:
                    - type: "ARI"           # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - arrayType:            # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                        items:              # [required] Array items
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - structType:           # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                        fields:             # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                          - name: "name"    # [required] [non-empty string] 
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - mapType:              # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                        key:                # [required] Map key entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                        value:              # [required] Map value entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
              ### OR
              - mapType:                    # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  key:                      # [required] Map key entry
                    type: "ARI"             # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  value:                    # [required] Map value entry
                    #### One of:
                    type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
              ### End one of
          ## OR
          mapType:                          # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
            key:                            # [required] Map key entry
              type: "ARI"                   # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
            value:                          # [required] Map value entry
              ### One of:
              type: "ARI"                   # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
              ### OR
              arrayType:                    # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                items:                      # [required] Array items
                  #### One of:
                  type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      - name: "name"        # [required] [non-empty string] 
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### OR
              structType:                   # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                fields:                     # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                  #### One of:
                  - type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### OR
              mapType:                      # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                key:                        # [required] Map key entry
                  type: "ARI"               # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                value:                      # [required] Map value entry
                  #### One of:
                  type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      - name: "name"        # [required] [non-empty string] 
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### End one of
          ## End one of
      # OR
      mapType:                              # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
        key:                                # [required] Map key entry
          type: "ARI"                       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
        value:                              # [required] Map value entry
          ## One of:
          type: "ARI"                       # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
          ## OR
          arrayType:                        # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
            items:                          # [required] Array items
              ### One of:
              type: "ARI"                   # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
              ### OR
              arrayType:                    # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                items:                      # [required] Array items
                  #### One of:
                  type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      - name: "name"        # [required] [non-empty string] 
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### OR
              structType:                   # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                fields:                     # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                  #### One of:
                  - type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### OR
              mapType:                      # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                key:                        # [required] Map key entry
                  type: "ARI"               # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                value:                      # [required] Map value entry
                  #### One of:
                  type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      - name: "name"        # [required] [non-empty string] 
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### End one of
          ## OR
          structType:                       # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
            fields:                         # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
              ### One of:
              - type: "ARI"                 # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
              ### OR
              - arrayType:                  # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  items:                    # [required] Array items
                    #### One of:
                    type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
              ### OR
              - structType:                 # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  fields:                   # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                    #### One of:
                    - type: "ARI"           # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - arrayType:            # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                        items:              # [required] Array items
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - structType:           # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                        fields:             # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                          - name: "name"    # [required] [non-empty string] 
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - mapType:              # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                        key:                # [required] Map key entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                        value:              # [required] Map value entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
              ### OR
              - mapType:                    # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  key:                      # [required] Map key entry
                    type: "ARI"             # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  value:                    # [required] Map value entry
                    #### One of:
                    type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
              ### End one of
          ## OR
          mapType:                          # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
            key:                            # [required] Map key entry
              type: "ARI"                   # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
            value:                          # [required] Map value entry
              ### One of:
              type: "ARI"                   # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
              ### OR
              arrayType:                    # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                items:                      # [required] Array items
                  #### One of:
                  type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      - name: "name"        # [required] [non-empty string] 
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### OR
              structType:                   # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                fields:                     # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                  #### One of:
                  - type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  - mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### OR
              mapType:                      # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                key:                        # [required] Map key entry
                  type: "ARI"               # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                value:                      # [required] Map value entry
                  #### One of:
                  type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      - name: "name"        # [required] [non-empty string] 
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### OR
                  mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  #### End one of
              ### End one of
          ## End one of
      # OR
      structType:                           # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
        fields:                             # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
          ## One of:
          - mapType:                        # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
              key:                          # [required] Map key entry
                type: "ARI"                 # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
              value:                        # [required] Map value entry
                ### One of:
                type: "ARI"                 # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                ### OR
                arrayType:                  # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  items:                    # [required] Array items
                    #### One of:
                    type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
                ### OR
                structType:                 # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  fields:                   # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                    #### One of:
                    - type: "ARI"           # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - arrayType:            # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                        items:              # [required] Array items
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - structType:           # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                        fields:             # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                          - name: "name"    # [required] [non-empty string] 
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - mapType:              # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                        key:                # [required] Map key entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                        value:              # [required] Map value entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
                ### OR
                mapType:                    # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  key:                      # [required] Map key entry
                    type: "ARI"             # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  value:                    # [required] Map value entry
                    #### One of:
                    type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
                ### End one of
          ## OR
          - structType:                     # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
              fields:                       # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                ### One of:
                - type: "ARI"               # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                ### OR
                - arrayType:                # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                    items:                  # [required] Array items
                      #### One of:
                      type: "ARI"           # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      arrayType:            # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                        items:              # [required] Array items
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      structType:           # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                        fields:             # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                          - name: "name"    # [required] [non-empty string] 
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      mapType:              # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                        key:                # [required] Map key entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                        value:              # [required] Map value entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### End one of
                ### OR
                - structType:               # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                    fields:                 # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                      #### One of:
                      - type: "ARI"         # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      - arrayType:          # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                          items:            # [required] Array items
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      - structType:         # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                          fields:           # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                            - name: "name"  # [required] [non-empty string] 
                              type: "ARI"   # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      - mapType:            # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                          key:              # [required] Map key entry
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                          value:            # [required] Map value entry
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### End one of
                ### OR
                - mapType:                  # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                    key:                    # [required] Map key entry
                      type: "ARI"           # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    value:                  # [required] Map value entry
                      #### One of:
                      type: "ARI"           # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      arrayType:            # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                        items:              # [required] Array items
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      structType:           # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                        fields:             # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                          - name: "name"    # [required] [non-empty string] 
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### OR
                      mapType:              # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                        key:                # [required] Map key entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                        value:              # [required] Map value entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      #### End one of
                ### End one of
          ## OR
          - arrayType:                      # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
              items:                        # [required] Array items
                ### One of:
                type: "ARI"                 # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                ### OR
                arrayType:                  # [optional] Array type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  items:                    # [required] Array items
                    #### One of:
                    type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
                ### OR
                structType:                 # [optional] Struct type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  fields:                   # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                    #### One of:
                    - type: "ARI"           # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - arrayType:            # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                        items:              # [required] Array items
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - structType:           # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                        fields:             # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                          - name: "name"    # [required] [non-empty string] 
                            type: "ARI"     # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    - mapType:              # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                        key:                # [required] Map key entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                        value:              # [required] Map value entry
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
                ### OR
                mapType:                    # [optional] Map type that allows nested array/struct/map types
                  key:                      # [required] Map key entry
                    type: "ARI"             # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                  value:                    # [required] Map value entry
                    #### One of:
                    type: "ARI"             # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    arrayType:              # [optional] Array type that allows simply type entries, and not further nesting
                      items:                # [required] Array items
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    structType:             # [optional] Struct type that allows only simple type entries, and not further nesting
                      fields:               # [required] [non-empty array] Struct fields
                        - name: "name"      # [required] [non-empty string] 
                          type: "ARI"       # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### OR
                    mapType:                # [optional] Map type that allows only simple types, and not further nesting
                      key:                  # [required] Map key entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                      value:                # [required] Map value entry
                        type: "ARI"         # [required] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
                    #### End one of
                ### End one of
          ## OR
          - type: "ARI"                     # [optional] [enum] Simple type for data values | Choose one of either: ARI, Boolean, Date, Double, Float, Int, Long, String, Timestamp, UUID
          ## End one of
      # End one of
    classifications:                        # [optional] [non-empty array] Data classification - see for further details
      "UGC/Label"                           # [optional] [enum] Data classification | Choose one of either: UGC/Label, UGC/PrimaryIdentifier, UGC/Primary, UGC/Configuration, PII/DirectRestrictedIdentifier, PII/DirectRestricted, PII/IndirectRestricted, PII/IndirectConfidential, Usage/DirectAction, Usage/IndirectAction, Usage/AuditLog, Usage/ApplicationLog, Usage/Telemetry, Security/Credential, Security/Secret, Atlassian/Configuration, Atlassian/Survey, Atlassian/Finance, Atlassian/Static, Commerce/Transaction
    nullable: true                          # [optional] [boolean] Indicates if this attribute can contain NULL values in tables, or is not required in events
    lineage:                                # [optional] [non-empty array] Upstream attributes that are used to populate data in this attribute
      "lineage"                             # [optional] [attribute-ari] The ARI of an attribute
database: "database"                        # [required] [database-ari] Database this view belongs to
classifications:                            # [optional] [array] Data classification - If not provided here then it must be provided on the columns of this view
  "classifications"                         # [optional] [non-empty string] 
version:                                    # [optional] View version
  major: 1                                  # [required] [integer] The MAJOR version as an integer (min: 1)
  minor: 0                                  # [optional] [integer] The MINOR version as an integer (min: 0)
previous: "previous"                        # [optional] [view-ari] Identifier of the previous view version
policies:                                   # [optional] [non-empty array] Policies that apply to this view
  "policies"                                # [optional] [policy-ari] The ARI of a data policy



apiVersion: v1alpha1
id: ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/view/6552ed93-65ad-4614-bc0a-64b1b7a3f91d
name: full_example_view
summary: A test view containing test data
status: Available
  sql: SELECT * FROM pokemon WHERE type=water
    - email: ""
    - slack: "socrates-vnext"
    - email: ""
    - slack: "socrates-vnext"
    - opsgenie: "Vaporeon - Example Roster UNPAID"
    - slack: "socrates-vnext"
  - id: ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/attribute/ba767ad0-a8ad-492a-a5ac-a10cd7c48e2e
    name: column_a
    summary: Column containing data about A
    status: Available
      - PII/DirectRestricted
      type: String
    nullable: false
    partition: false
      - ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/attribute/96f5ca4f-590c-491c-92be-e40b237e522c
  - id: ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/attribute/a4f5a93e-d7ba-42c9-9a18-45345702fcbf
    name: column_b
    summary: Column containing data about B
    status: Deprecated
      - UGC/Configuration
          type: String
          type: Int
    nullable: true
    partition: true
      - ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/attribute/a0e038be-6ad4-4a7d-b4ae-fcdfcae96995
  - id: ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/attribute/430dc0c9-9973-45b3-9c1c-fff3b4a63ad1
    name: column_c
    summary: Column containing data about C
    status: Deleted
      - UGC/Configuration
              - name: field_1
                type: String
              - name: field_2
                type: String
    nullable: true
      - ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/attribute/bed23d76-9344-449d-9f81-7f5154ac8c4f
database: ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/database/64e3b877-2d50-442e-b640-382d8d0dda91
  - PII/DirectRestricted
  - UGC/Configuration
  major: 1
previous: ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/view/3a6c038c-ea6e-426c-846b-9bff590c1123
  - ari:cloud:data-lake::descriptor/policy/cf1d9c1e-d721-4469-a6be-1815407c3683

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