Last updated Jan 8, 2024

Get access to AGC

Atlassian will work with you to get you access to an Atlassian Government Cloud instance for testing purposes. Follow the steps on this page to get access.

Before you begin

We recommend that you have the following ready before you request access.

A DNS and email provider

If you don’t have this already, set up a domain and email address from a DNS and email provider. You'll need to use this email address when you create the request in the next step.

An identity provider

If you don't already have an identity provider, you'll need one so that we can configure single sign-on. We ask that you share details from the identity provider when you create the request.

If you’re using Okta, you may notice that Okta has a built-in app for Atlassian. We don’t recommend this app because it uses the URLs for our non-government Atlassian environment. Follow these instructions instead.

1. Request access to Atlassian Government Cloud

The person who requests access will be added as the first admin to the Atlassian Government instance and be able to add additional users. If you aren't prepared to be the first admin, ask the appropriate person to create the request.

Note: We are accepting requests for access starting January 6. Wait until this date to submit your request.

  1. Go to Request an Atlassian Government Cloud test instance.
  2. In the request, include the following details:
    • An app ID for one of your apps
    • The product(s) that use your apps (Jira, JSM and Confluence)
    • A preferred site name for the products (which will be prepended to
    • The identity provider Entity ID (This is the URL for the identity provider that will accept authentication requests)
    • The identity provider SSO URL (This is the URL your users will be redirected to when logging in)
    • The public x509 Certificate (The public key we use to verify that your identity provider has issued all received SAML authentication requests that begins with '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----')
  3. Select Send to submit the request.

2. Update your DNS provider details

After creating a support ticket, we will verify the domain for the email address that you provided. As part of the verification process, you will receive a response in your support ticket with a text record that you will use to update with your DNS provider.

Go to your DNS provider and find the settings page for adding a new record.

  1. Paste the text record sent from Atlassian into the field for a new value. (It will likely be named Value, Answer, or Description).
  2. Your DNS record may also have additional fields where you can enter these details:
    • Record type: Enter TXT
    • Name/Host/Alias: Leave the default (@ or blank)
    • Time to live (TTL): Enter 86400

After you save the record, let us know when you’re done.

3. Add URLs to identity provider

We will update the support ticket with two URLs to complete the connection. When you receive the URLs, enter them into the following fields in your identity provider. For more information about how to add URLs, refer to the documentation for your identity provider:

  • the service provider entity URL for the Single sign-on URL
  • the service provider assertion consumer service URL for the Audience URI

Once you’ve entered these values into your identity provider, you can log into your site with the email address that you provided.

4. After logging in

Before doing anything else, you need to remove the Atlassian support contact who set up the organization.

  1. Go to the Atlassian Administration at
  2. Select Directory > Users.
  3. Look for the Atlassian support contact in the list, and select the user’s name to open their details.
  4. From the ... icon, select Remove user and confirm that’s what you want to do.

Now, you can invite others to the Atlassian Government Cloud environment. To invite people, add them to your identity provider and sync with user provisioning.

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