Web Repository Viewer module


Bamboo 2.5 and later


A plugin module which defines a web repository viewer in Bamboo. This module is responsible for rendering commit information in Bamboo. For example, the Fisheye Web Repository Viewer will render the commit, providing links to the web repository.


Web Repository Viewer modules must implement the com.atlassian.bamboo.webrepository.WebRepositoryViewer interface. An abstract class is available that implements a lot of the default functionality for you, so you can extend com.atlassian.bamboo.webrepository.AbstractWebRepositoryViewer.

If you would like to render links to commits in emails, you will need to also implement the com.atlassian.bamboo.webrepository.CommitUrlProvider interface.

Sample Module Descriptor Element

<webRepositoryViewer key="fisheyeRepositoryViewer" name="FishEye"
  <description>Renders Fisheye Links for commits.</description>
  <resource type="freemarker" name="edit" location="editFisheyeRepositoryViewer.ftl"/>
  <resource type="freemarker" name="view" location="viewFisheyeRepositoryViewer.ftl"/>

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