Supported from Jira Software 11.0, Jira Service Management 11.0, Confluence 10.0, Bitbucket 11.0, Bamboo 11.0

All the provided default values are not part of public contract and are subject to change.

Prior to the major releases, the variables and names are subject to change.


Look and feel / Color scheme

Variable nameDefault value
Gadgets colors


Look and feel / Color scheme

Variable nameDefault light valueDefault dark value
--confluence-color-scheme-menuItemSelectedBackgroundColorrgba(9, 30, 66, 0.06)rgba(161, 189, 217, 0.08)
Variable nameDefault value


Look and feel / Color scheme (AUI)

Variables are loaded before the AUI theme styles by com.atlassian.lookandfeel.lookandfeel-plugin:styles web resource. The values can be set in the product Look and Feel customization settings.

AUI Documentation: https://aui.atlassian.com/aui/9.13/docs/look-and-feel.html

Variable nameDescription
--atl-theme-header-bg-colorSets app header background. Sets item text color to contrast with the background unless the text color is customized.
--atl-theme-header-item-text-colorSets text color for regular items in the header. If not set, the appropriate value --ds-text will be used to contrast with the background.
--atl-theme-header-primary-button-bg-colorSets background for the primary button in the header. Sets its text color to contrast with the background unless the text color is customized.
--atl-theme-header-primary-button-text-colorSets text color for the primary button in the header. If not set, the of --ds-text-inverse will be used to contrast with the background.
--atl-theme-header-logo-imageFor the CSS mode of logo rendering, applies the background-image property on the .aui-header-logo-device element. Use in conjunction with the --atl-theme-header-logo-width (see below), otherwise the logo won't be visible.
--atl-theme-header-logo-widthFor the CSS mode of logo rendering, applies width on the .aui-header-logo-device element.


Look and feel / Color scheme (AUI)

Variables are loaded before the AUI theme styles by com.atlassian.lookandfeel.lookandfeel-plugin:styles web resource. The values can be set in the product Look and Feel customization settings.

AUI Documentation: https://aui.atlassian.com/aui/9.13/docs/look-and-feel.html

Variable nameDescription
--atl-theme-header-bg-colorSets app header background. Sets item text color to contrast with the background unless the text color is customized.
--atl-theme-header-item-text-colorSets text color for regular items in the header. If not set, the appropriate value --ds-text will be used to contrast with the background.
--atl-theme-header-primary-button-bg-colorSets background for the primary button in the header. Sets its text color to contrast with the background unless the text color is customized.
--atl-theme-header-primary-button-text-colorSets text color for the primary button in the header. If not set, the of --ds-text-inverse will be used to contrast with the background.
--atl-theme-header-logo-imageFor the CSS mode of logo rendering, applies the background-image property on the .aui-header-logo-device element. Use in conjunction with the --atl-theme-header-logo-width (see below), otherwise the logo won't be visible.
--atl-theme-header-logo-widthFor the CSS mode of logo rendering, applies width on the .aui-header-logo-device element.

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