Last updated Aug 21, 2024


This page includes release notes and updates for the Customer Service Management REST API. Use this page to keep track of upcoming changes, deprecation notices, new features, and feature updates.

21 August 2024

Announcement Additional IP ranges for Atlassian Cloud

We're announcing new IP ranges that will soon be available for requests from external clients, such as browsers and API integrations:




These ranges won't be used to make outgoing connections from Atlassian Cloud to remote systems, for example, webhooks.

More details

To prepare for this change, update your firewalls and other security measures to allow connections to the new IP ranges.

For more information, see IP addresses and domains for Atlassian Cloud products, which includes instructions on how to receive notifications of changes, as well as links to machine-readable lists of our IP ranges.

3 June 2024

Added New APIs managing detail fields, products and entitlements

We've released new APIs that allow you to manage (create, read, edit, delete) detail fields for organizations, customers and entitlements. We’ve also added APIs for managing products and entitlements.

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