User Interface plugin modules

These modules allow developers to add custom User Interfaces to Bamboo

Additional Build Configuration Module

Additional Build Configuration Module allows developers to register additional configuration UI on the Miscellaneous tab of the Configuration of a Job or Plan.

Report Module

This defines a report module. A report module will appear under the Reports tab.

Web Item Module

The Web Item module allows you to define a link in the Bamboo system. (Usually in some form of menu).

Web Panel Module

Web Panel plugin modules allow plugins to define panels, or sections, on an HTML page. A panel is a set of HTML that will be inserted into a page

Web Repository Viewer Module

A plugin module which defines a web repository viewer in Bamboo. This module is responsible for rendering commit information in Bamboo. For example, the Fisheye Web Repository Viewer will render the commit, providing links to the web repository.

Web Section Module

The Web Section module is used to provide a section or grouping of Web Item Module. Currently, Web Sections are used to group Web Items for the Administration Menu, Plan Sub Menu, Results Sub Menu.

XWork Plugin Module

Each XWork module is deployed as a plugin module of type xwork and contains one or more XWork package elements.

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