Our OAuth 2 implementation is merged in with our existing OAuth 1 in such a way that existing OAuth 1 consumers automatically become valid OAuth 2 clients. The only thing you need to do is edit your existing consumer and configure a callback URL.
Once that is in place, you'll have the following 2 URLs:
For obtaining access/bearer tokens, we support three of RFC-6749's grant flows, plus a custom Bitbucket flow for exchanging JWT tokens for access tokens. Note that Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (4.3) is no longer supported:
The full-blown 3-LO flow. Request authorization from the end user by
sending their browser to: https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/authorize?client_id={client_id}&response_type=code
The callback includes the ?code={}
query parameter that you can swap
for an access token:
1 2 3
$ curl -X POST -u "client_id:secret" \ https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token \ -d grant_type=authorization_code -d code={code}
Want a more in-depth example? Check out our authorization code grant sample app.
This flow is useful for browser-based apps that operate without server-side backends.
Request the end user for authorization by directing the browser to: https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/authorize?client_id={client_id}&response_type=token
That will redirect to your preconfigured callback URL with a fragment
containing the access token
) where your page's JavaScript can
pull it out of the URL.
Want a more in-depth example? Check out our implicit grant sample app.
Somewhat like our existing "2-LO" flow for OAuth 1. Obtain an access token that represents not an end user, but the owner of the client/consumer:
1 2$ curl -X POST -u "client_id:secret" \ https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token \ -d grant_type=client_credentials
Want a more in-depth example? Check out our client credentials grant sample app.
If your Atlassian Connect app uses JWT authentication, you can swap a JWT for an OAuth access token. The resulting access token represents the account for which the app is installed. These OAuth tokens could, for example, be used to clone a repository.
Make sure you send the JWT token in the Authorization request header using the "JWT" scheme (case sensitive). Note that this custom scheme makes this different from HTTP Basic Auth (and so you cannot use "curl -u").
1 2$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: JWT {jwt_token}" \ https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token \ -d grant_type=urn:bitbucket:oauth2:jwt
By default, these swapped OAuth tokens have the same scopes as the Connect app.
However, you can also limit the scopes that will be applied for the swapped OAuth access token.
The example below will swap a JWT for an OAuth token that will only have the repository:write
This assumes that the Connect app which issued the JWT had the repository:write
1 2$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: JWT {jwt_token}" \ https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token \ -d grant_type=urn:bitbucket:oauth2:jwt \ -F scope=repository:write
In addition to limiting the scopes associated with the OAuth tokens,
you can also limit the repositories to which the token applies.
To achieve this, configure the form field bitbucket_repository
and assign the UUID of the repository to which you want to limit the OAuth token to.
Such limited OAuth tokens will only grant access to the specified repositories,
and won't have any permissions on the workspace level.
1 2$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: JWT {jwt_token}" \ https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token \ -d grant_type=urn:bitbucket:oauth2:jwt \ -F bitbucket_repository={6662fce5-b95a-4905-a3a1-9d3d5560c17c}
The limiting of scopes and restricting repository access can be helpful to make Connect applications more secure. For example, if your Connect app executes a repository clone on remote servers, you can provide a clone token that gives the remote server read-only access to a specific repository.
Want a more in-depth example? Check out our bitbucket cloud JWT grant sample app.
Once you have an access token, as per RFC-6750, you can use it in a request in any of the following ways (in decreasing order of desirability):
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Since apps will not be able to upload their own SSH keys to clone with, access tokens can be used as Basic HTTP Auth credentials to clone securely over HTTPS. This is much like GitHub, yet slightly different:
1 2$ git clone https://x-token-auth:{access_token}@bitbucket.org/user/repo.git
The literal string x-token-auth
as a substitute for username is
required (note the difference with GitHub who put the actual token in
the username field).
Our access tokens expire in one hour. When this happens you'll get 401 responses.
Most access token grant responses (Implicit and JWT excluded) therefore include a refresh token that can then be used to generate a new access token, without the need for end user participation:
1 2$ curl -X POST -u "client_id:secret" \ https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token \ -d grant_type=refresh_token -d refresh_token={refresh_token}
Scopes are defined on the client/consumer instance. Bitbucket Cloud does not currently support the use of the optional scope parameter on the individual grant requests.
When the scope parameter is provided, Bitbucket will validate that it contains no scopes that were not already present on the client/consumer and fail if additional scopes are requested, but asking for fewer scopes will not affect the resulting access token.
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