Last updated Jan 10, 2025

Get data from your toolchain using custom webhooks

Get data quickly and easily from across your toolchain into Compass with custom webhooks. Visualize component events from all your tools in a unified place in real time. Use those events to power metrics and scorecard calculations to get strong guidance toward cultivating and maintaining healthy DevOps practices.

Webhooks are a programming-language agnostic way of sending messages between systems when something interesting happens in a tool. Custom webhooks can get data from external tools in your toolchain into Compass. Custom webhooks allow for the transformation of payloads from a variety of tools and services into compatible Compass event payloads, providing a great deal of extensibility.

Creating a custom webhook gives you a unique URL, which you can use to send events from your tools to one or more Compass components. With minor configurations in your tools and the provided payload transformations, you can get the data flowing into Compass.


Improved extensibility over incoming webhooks

Using custom webhooks you can ingest data from any webhook enable tool of your choosing. Provided greater extensibility than Compass branded incoming webhooks.

Learn more about incoming webhooks

Get data into Compass quickly and easily

You can get data into Compass without relying on a Compass admin to install an app. Anyone with a full user role in Compass can create and use custom webhooks.

Most third-party tools also let you create and use webhooks without requiring you to have any elevated or admin permissions.

Visualize events in a unified place

Events impacting your components, like deployments, builds, commits, pull requests, incidents, feature flag changes, alerts, and so on, all occur in different tools across your toolchain. Custom webhooks enable you to bring such events into Compass in real time and visualize them on a component’s activity feed in the context of other events and dependency components. You can get meaningful insights into the component’s activity all from one place without having to navigate across several tools.

For example, a custom GitHub webhook can get deployment events from a Heroku application to a corresponding Compass component.

Learn more about the activity feed

Automate derived metrics calculations

Compass automatically generates applicable derived metrics for supported event types when an event comes in. For example, when you set up a deployment event custom webhook, you’ll not only get deployment events in Compass, but metrics such as Deployment frequency will be automatically derived and shown on the component.

Learn more about derived metrics

Automate scorecard calculations

Derived metrics calculations automatically update scorecard values when those metrics are added as scorecard criteria. Each time you receive events, the metrics values are recalculated. The metric values automatically influence the components' scores, which are automatically updated, helping you monitor and track the health of your components and teams over time.

Learn more about how scorecards use metrics

Reuse custom webhooks with many components

You can create multiple custom webhooks for a tool or you can reuse one custom webhook to send events to one or more Compass components.

Learn how to use existing custom webhooks

Get started

Learn how to create custom webhooks

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