When a Compass GraphQL query or mutation is executed, an error may be returned. This page explains what those errors mean.
Query errors are typically returned inside the QueryError
objects. For example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
{ "data": { "compass": { "component": { "__typename": "QueryError", "message": "Component not found", // A developer readable error message. May change over time. "extensions": [ { "statusCode": 404, // An HTTP status code representing the error "errorType": "COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", // A code representing the error. This will not change over time. } ] } } } } }
Mutation errors are typically found in mutation payload objects. For example:
1 2{ "data": { "compass": { "updateComponent": { "__typename": "UpdateCompassComponentPayload", "success": false, "errors": [ { "message": "The component’s Atlassian resource identifier (ARI) is invalid. Try again with a valid ARI.", // A developer readable error message. May change over time. "extensions": { "statusCode": 400, // An HTTP status code representing the error "errorType": "COMPONENT_ARI_INVALID" // A code representing the error. This will not change over time. } } ], "componentDetails": null } } } }
The following error types may be returned by Compass queries and mutations.
Error type | Description |
ARGUMENT_INVALID | An invalid argument was provided in a HTTP call |
CLOUD_ID_INVALID | The cloud ID does not exist |
COMPASS_NOT_AVAILABLE | Compass is not available on site with cloudId: cloudId |
COMPONENT_ARI_INVALID | The component’s Atlassian resource identifier (ARI) is invalid. Try again with a valid ARI. |
COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG | The component description is too long. It should be below 1000 characters |
COMPONENT_FIELD_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_NULL | The component field value is null. Provide a field value and try again. |
COMPONENT_LINKS_MAXIMUM_PER_TYPE_REACHED | The maximum number of component links for a link type has been reached |
COMPONENT_LINK_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Component link with ID [id] does not exist |
COMPONENT_LINK_NAME_TOO_LONG | The provided component link name is too long |
COMPONENT_LINK_URL_NOT_A_VALID_URL | The URL format of the component link is invalid. Try again with a link having a valid URL format. |
COMPONENT_LINK_URL_TOO_LONG | The provided component link url is too long |
COMPONENT_NAME_BLANK | The component name is blank. Provide a name and try again. |
COMPONENT_NAME_TOO_LONG | The component name is too long. Try again with a name shorter than 100 characters. |
COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND | The component requested for could not be found. |
EXTERNAL_ALIAS_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED | We couldn't create the external alias. Either the alias is already associated with a component, or the limit of associated aliases for this component is already reached. Try creating a different alias or reduce the number of aliases associated with this component. |
RELATIONSHIP_NOT_FOUND | We couldn’t find a relationship for those component IDs. Try creating the relationship or use valid component IDs. |
RELATIONSHIP_START_NODE_NOT_FOUND | We couldn’t create this relationship because the component at the start node does not exist. Check for typos or try again with a different component |
RELATIONSHIP_END_NODE_NOT_FOUND | We couldn’t create this relationship because the component at the end node does not exist. Check for typos or try again with a different component. |
RELATIONSHIP_ALREADY_EXISTS | The relationship between these components already exists. Try creating a different relationship. |
RELATIONSHIP_START_AND_END_NODES_MUST_BELONG_TO_THE_SAME_SITE | We couldn’t create a relationship between these components because they belong to different Compass sites. Try again with components that belong to the same Compass site. |
RELATIONSHIP_NODES_SELF_REFERENCING_ERROR | We couldn't create this relationship because the start node component is the same as the end node component. Try again with different components. |
RELATIONSHIP_START_NODE_ARI_INVALID | The Atlassian resource identifier (ARI) of the component at the start node of this relationship is invalid. Try again with a valid ARI. |
RELATIONSHIP_END_NODE_ARI_INVALID | The Atlassian resource identifier (ARI) of the component at the end node of this relationship is invalid. Try again with a valid ARI. |
CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION | A validation constraint was violated |
DUPLICATE_FIELD_DEFINITION_ID | Field definition [definitionId] already exists. Try again with a different field definition ID. |
EXTERNAL_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND | We couldn’t find the external alias. Check for typos and try again. |
FIELDS_NOT_SUPPORTED | Currently, fields are supported only for components of the 'Service' type. |
FIELD_CANNOT_BE_NULL | A provided input field cannot be null |
FIELD_DEFINITION_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Field definition [definitionId] does not exist. Try again with a valid field definition for the component type. |
FIELD_MISSING | Field [fieldName] must not be null |
FIELD_VALUE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_FIELD_DEFINITION | The field value for field definition [definitionId] does not match its field type. Try again with a valid field value. |
FIELD_VALUE_ELEMENT_IS_NOT_ALLOWED | The field value element for field definition [definitionId] at index [index] is invalid. Try again with a valid field value element. |
FIELD_VALUE_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS | The field value for field definition [definitionId] has an incorrect number of elements. Try again with the correct number of elements. |
FORMAT_INVALID | Error when parsing JSON |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | An internal error has occurred. If this persists, please contact our support. |
INVALID_COMPASS_SITE_ID | Invalid Compass Site ID found in headers. This mutation may only be called from a valid Forge app. |
INVALID_COMPONENT_OWNER_FORMAT | The format of the component owner value is invalid. Try again using the format of a team's Atlassian resource identifier (ARI). |
INVALID_ECOSYSTEM_APP_ID | Invalid ecosystem app ID found in headers. This mutation may only be called from a valid Forge app. |
NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_REQUESTED_INVALID_EXCEPTION | The number of items requested is invalid, must be between [min] to [max]. |
MISSING_CLOUD_ID | Could not get cloud ID or hostname from request headers |
MISSING_CLOUD_ID_AND_HOSTNAME | Could not get cloud ID or hostname from request headers |
MISSING_ECOSYSTEM_HEADERS | Ecosystem headers not found. This mutation may only be called from a valid Forge app. |
ONE_OF_DIRECTIVE_VALIDATION_ERROR | Type is annotated with @oneOf. One and only one of the fields must be provided. |
PERMISSION_DENIED | User does not have permission to perform this action. |
RELATIONSHIP_LIMIT_REACHED | We couldn’t create this relationship. The number of relationships for either the start or end node component has reached its limit. Try creating a different relationship or reduce the number of relationships associated with the component. |
REQUIRED_FIELD_VALUE_DOES_NOT_EXIST | A field value for field definition [definitionId] is required. Provide a field value and try again. |
SCORECARD_ARI_INVALID | This is not a valid scorecard ARI |
SCORECARD_COMPONENT_RELATIONSHIP_NOT_FOUND | We couldn’t find a relationship for those scorecard and component IDs. Try applying the scorecard to the component or use valid IDs. |
SCORECARD_CREATION_FAILED | We couldn’t create your scorecard. Check your connection and try again. |
SCORECARD_CRITERIA_ARE_REQUIRED | We couldn’t create your scorecard because it doesn’t have any criteria selected. Select at least one criterion and try again. |
SCORECARD_CRITERIA_NOT_UNIQUE | We couldn't create or update your scorecard because a criterion is selected more than once. Select unique criteria and try again. |
SCORECARD_CRITERIA_WEIGHT_INVALID | The scorecard criteria weight is invalid. Try again with a value from 1 through 100, both inclusive. |
SCORECARD_CRITERIA_WEIGHT_TOTAL_INVALID | The scorecard criteria weight values do not add up to 100%. Adjust the weight values so that they add up to 100% and try again. |
SCORECARD_DESCRIPTION_BLANK | The scorecard description is blank. Provide a description and try again. |
SCORECARD_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG | The scorecard description is too long. Try again with a description having a length shorter than or equal to 330 characters. |
SCORECARD_NAME_BLANK | The scorecard name is blank. Provide a name and try again. |
SCORECARD_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE | A scorecard with this name already exists. Try again with a different name. |
SCORECARD_NAME_TOO_LONG | The scorecard name is too long. Try again with a name having a length shorter than or equal to 40 characters. |
SCORECARD_NOT_FOUND | We couldn’t find your scorecard. Check for typos or try again with a different scorecard name. |
SCORECARD_REQUIRED_IMPORTANCE_MUST_HAVE_ADMIN_PERM | We couldn’t create or update your scorecard. The owner of a scorecard with ‘Required’ importance must be an administrator. Try again with a different owner. |
SCORECARD_COMPONENT_RELATIONSHIP_LIMIT_REACHED | We couldn’t assign scorecard to component because the scorecard is already assigned to the component. The number of relationships for either the scorecard or component has reached its limit. |
SCORECARD_COMPONENT_RELATIONSHIP_SCORECARD_NOT_FOUND | We couldn’t assign scorecard to component because the scorecard does not exist. |
SCORECARD_COMPONENT_RELATIONSHIP_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND | We couldn’t assign scorecard to component because the component does not exist. |
SCORECARD_ALREADY_APPLIED_TO_COMPONENT | We couldn’t assign scorecard to component because the scorecard is already assigned to the component. |
SCORECARD_NOT_ASSIGNABLE_ERROR | We couldn’t assign scorecard to component because the scorecard is not assignable. Either it's a required scorecard or the componentType doesn't match the type of component |
STORE_CONFLICT_EXCEPTION | There was a problem saving your data, please try again some time later. |
EXTERNAL_ALIAS_ID_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY | The external alias ID is null. Provide a value for the ID and try again. |
EXTERNAL_ALIAS_SOURCE_TOO_LONG | External alias source has exceeded the maximum length of 1024 |
EXTERNAL_ALIAS_ID_TOO_LONG | External alias ID has exceeded the maximum length of 1024 |
COMPONENT_LINK_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_ON_CALL | Only Components of type Service can have an On Call link type. Please change your Component type and try again. |
CAMPAIGN_CREATION_FAILED | We couldn’t create your campaign. Check your connection and try again. |
CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND | We could not find your campaign. Check for typos or try again with a different campaign Id. |
CAMPAIGN_UPDATE_FAILED | We could not update your campaign. Please try again later. |
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