Synchronously get the current context for t
. This can be useful if you need the ID of a model that is in scope, or want to check user permissions.
1 2window.TrelloPowerUp.initialize({ 'card-buttons': function (t, opts) { var context = t.getContext(); console.log(JSON.stringify(context, null, 2)); return []; }, });
And the response would look like:
1 2{ // id of the current board "board": "59287bae175fb20142c4c282", // id of the current card (if there is one) "card": "59287bec175fb20142c4c363", // capability command, (if there is one) "command": "card-buttons", // id of the current member, "notLoggedIn" if no member is logged in "member": "591f23d52a2eaa0c33e6c187", // id of the Workspace the board is in (if its in one) "organization": "538627f73cbb44d1bfbb58f0", // id of the enterprise the board is in (if its in one) "enterprise": "5cedada40a30f27bdb6e26b7", // read or write permissions for current member per modelType "permissions": { "board": "write", "organization": "write", "card": "write" }, // the current color theme the member is using, e.g. null | "light" | "dark". // it can be null right after the Power-Up is initialized, but will be // updated as soon as the theme finishes loading. Complementing its // usage with t.subscribeToThemeChanges() is highly encouraged. "theme": null, // the locale of the browser, generally a standard 2 character ISO code // see "locale": "en-US", // The color theme used to initialize the Power-Up. "initialTheme": "dark" }
If t.getContext()
is returning undefined in your Power-Up code, ensure you are calling t.signUrl()
on your URLs. This ensures your Power-Up iframe HTML pages can communicate with Trello.
For example:
1 2TrelloPowerUp.initialize({ 'card-back-section': function (t, options) { return { title: 'Card Back Section', icon: MY_ICON, content: { type: 'iframe', url: t.signUrl('./card-back-section.html'), // call t.signUrl }, }; }, });
Now, you should be able to call t.getContext()
without issues.
1 2// inside card-back-section.js const t = window.TrelloPowerUp.iframe(); t.render(() => { console.log(t.getContext()); });
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