Get app details using JSON

The app resource within the /rest/2/addons API lets you query app details, including every field that is visible in a Marketplace app listing or that can be set through Manage Listings.

For an example of a script that uses this (using the Bash shell and curl), see in the Marketplace API Tutorials repository.


You will need:

Step 1: Get the resource URL

The URL for an app resource is currently - substituting your app key for ADDON_KEY.

However, rather than hard-coding the URL path for the resource, you can also obtain it by starting from the entry point of the API. This takes additional steps, but is a better practice in case resource paths ever change in the future.

  1. Do a GET request to — you will receive a JSON response that looks something like this:

      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/rest/2"
        [some more links...]
        "addons": {
          "href": "/rest/2/addons"
  2. The href property under addons is the URL path of the resource for finding apps. Do a GET request to this resource, with ?limit=0 added to indicate that you don't actually want a full list of apps — you will receive a JSON response like this:

      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/rest/2/addons"
        }, [...some more links that you can ignore...]
        "byKey": {
          "href": "/rest/2/addons/{addonKey}",
          "templated": true
  3. Take the href property under byKey, and substitute the app key of your existing app for {addonKey} (for instance, /rest/2/addons/ This gives you the URL path of the app resource.

Step 2: Optional query parameters

You may optionally add any of the same query parameters that are supported by a query for multiple apps, except for offset and limit which are not applicable to a single app. The usual reason for doing this would be to get the current version of the app (?withVersion=true) or to get the latest version that meets some criteria (?withVersion=true&cost=free&hosting=server).

Step 3: Perform the query


  • HTTP method: GET
  • URL: the app resource, as described above, along with any optional query parameters
  • Authentication: if you want to see private data, you must provide Basic Authentication with the username and password of your Atlassian Account

Here's a sample curl request to get the details for, along with the current version:

$ curl ""


  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/rest/2/addons/"
    "alternate": {
      "href": "/plugins/"
  "_embedded": {
    "logo": {
      "_links": {
        "image": ""
    "version": {
      "_links": {
        "href": "/rest/2/addons/"
      "buildNumber": "100",
      "name": "1.0.0",
      [...other version properties...]
  "key": "",
  "name": "My Excellent App",
  [...other app properties...]

Response properties

  • /_links/alternate: A web link for viewing the app details on the Marketplace site.
  • /_embedded/logo/_links/image: An image URL for the app's logo. Note that there is also a /_links/logo link, which you will not normally use.
  • /_embedded/version: Information about the current (or latest matching) version of the app, if you specified withVersion=true.

There are many other app version properties and resource links; for details, see the REST API documentation.

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