Last updated Jul 25, 2024


This changelog is the source of truth for all changes to the Marketplace that affect people publishing apps.

Posts are made in the Marketplace announcements category of the developer community when the changelog is updated. Subscribe to the Marketplace announcements category to get notifications.

25 July 2024

Announcement Update on the upcoming Branding & Naming Validations for Atlassian Marketplace

Here is the recent update on this Changelog.

Following our announcement regarding the introduction of App name validations to Marketplace, we received numerous inquiries from partners seeking additional time and clarification on the validations. In response, we have decided to ease the transition by implementing the following measures:

  1. To enhance partners' comprehension of the app name validations, we are introducing an API endpoint that will allow partners to input an app name and receive a list of errors/warnings associated with that name. Partners can utilize this API endpoint to verify both existing app names and potential new app names they may consider in the future. More details on this API endpoint will be provided in a separate Changelog.

  2. The deadline of Aug 15, 2024 will not act as a strict barrier for existing app names post-validation. We will be converting error messages to warnings for the following 30 days, ensuring that partner have sufficient time to address these violations and enhance the branding of their apps by September 15th, 2024.During this period, partners can view validation errors but will still be able to proceed with App version updates. However, net new apps submitted during this time will face a strict block and must adhere to the validations to progress towards review submission.

  3. In order to enhance visibility and ensure that no apps are overlooked by partners, we will compile a list of apps with corresponding validation failures and generate tickets to notify partners of any branding violations detected and the operations team will reach out to you.

22 July 2024

Announcement Revised hard set limit for individual artifacts in Atlassian Marketplace

We are pleased to inform all Atlassian Marketplace partners that the hard-set limit for individual artifacts has been raised to 250 MB from 150 MB. This modification aims to facilitate a better uploading experience and effectively support larger file sizes.

15 July 2024

Added Update on the deprecation notice for Vendor detail APIs

As mentioned on our Previous Changelog -, we are thrilled to share additional information regarding the new replacement APIs.

The DAC documentation for the new APIs has been released. Below is the list of replacement APIs available to our partners. These APIs are designed to unify access control management for team members across the Marketplace and Developer Console in the future. Please review the DAC documentation links to gain a deeper understanding.

Currently, these APIs only cater to deployment and are in development. You can expect some minor changes in the coming months. They are expected to be available for partners to use by October 2024.

12 July 2024

Fixed Additional Fields and Filters for Licenses and Transactions Reporting APIs

Marketplace team has made a few updates to the licenses and transactions reporting APIs in terms of additional fields and filters.

  • Filter for manual invoices: During specific scenarios such as apps for enterprise parent licenses, invoices are manually generated. These invoices are then incorporated into the transactions report. To aid partners in effortlessly identifying and filtering out manually created invoices from their transaction history, we are introducing a new query parameter.

    • includeManualInvoice can be passed as a parameter while requesting for transactions with possible values as true or false. By default, the value will be set as false if not specified.

    • For more on how to use this parameter, partners can read the documentation here

  • Field for differentiating Atlassian and Non-Atlassian licenses: The license report from Marketplace includes licenses from various customer types. To assist partners in distinguishing between Atlassian-owned and non Atlassian owned licenses, a new field has been incorporated into the license response.

    • licenseSourceType in the licenses response will differentiate customers based on their domain and will have values Atlassian and Non-Atlassian

    • For more on how to use this parameter, partners can read the documentation here

  • Unique identifier for line items in transactions: The transactions report lacks unique IDs at the line item level, providing only an invoice ID. This limitation complicates the management, tracking, and updating of individual items within an order, particularly when an invoice contains multiple line items from the same application, making it challenging to differentiate between these items. To mitigate this issue, we are introducing a unique identifier for each line item.

    • transactionLineItemId in the transactions response will provide a unique identifier for each line item in transactions report

    • For more on how to use this parameter, partners can read the documentation here

  • Exposure of transaction account ID: In CCP cloud subscriptions, we use a unique identifier for each transaction account within Atlassian’s ecosystem. To help partners track and group licenses belonging to a specific billing entity, our licenses report will now contain this unique identifier in the response.

    • transactionAccountId is the licenses response will provide the transaction account ID

    • For more on how to use this parameter, partners can read the documentation here

Additional Bug Fix

We recently identified an issue where the evaluationOpportunitySize and tier fields in our license report were inaccurately displaying null or unknown response values. This was due to a reliance on the parent period for retrieving values in these fields. We have successfully addressed this issue and have updated all historical records along with refreshing the lastUpdated field.

11 July 2024

Announcement New APIs for Developer Space on Marketplace

As mentioned on our previous update on the deprecation notice for Vendor detail APIs here, below is the list of replacement APIs that we are providing to partners. These APIs aim to unify access control management for team members across Marketplace and Developer console in the future.

The revamped APIs are:

Please go through the DAC documentation to understand them in further detail.

Currently, these APIs only cater to deployment and are in development. You can expect some minor changes in the coming months. They’re expected to go live by October 2024.

10 July 2024

Announcement Upcoming Branding & Naming Validations for the Atlassian Marketplace

We are implementing new validation checks during app publish flows and version update flows to ensure compliance with our branding guidelines for app naming and logo usage. The new validations are designed to automatically flag violations when a partner is in the publish flow. Furthermore, our partners have raised concerns regarding trademark issues, specifically instances where app names are duplicated, leading to branding violations and confusion. Therefore, we want to reiterate this policy and implement essential checks to protect the branding of all Atlassian Marketplace partners and their apps.

Why are we doing it ?

  • Consistency: To maintain consistent and accurate branding across Atlassian Marketplace.

  • Compliance: To ensure all apps adhere to the Atlassian Marketplace guidelines, prevent the use of proprietary and reserved words, and maintain clarity and a level playing field for all partners.

  • Efficiency: To enhance app reviews for quicker processing and improve user experience.

Atlassian Guidelines:

Below are more resources that provide detailed information on Atlassian’s branding guidelines:

Validation rules being applied for app names

More details

What do partners need to do?

  1. Review your app names: Verify that your app names adhere to the Atlassian guidelines. Refer to the potential violations outlined above for your review.

  2. Update if needed: Should you find that any of your app names do not conform to the guidelines, kindly make the necessary adjustments before Aug 15, 2024.

  3. Prepare for Future Updates: After this release, only compliant app names will pass the validation check for new submissions or updates through UI as well as APIs. Ensure your app names meet the guidelines to avoid any disruptions in completing version/name updates.

When will this change take place?

The rollout of these changes will be phased:

  • Milestone 1: Validation checks for app names will be deployed by Aug 15, 2024. After this milestone, all app names will be subject to validation when publishing a new app, a new version, or just updating the name. Should the app name fail to comply with the updated validation checks, it will be flagged, and partners will not be able to proceed to the next step.

  • Milestone 2: We also plan to implement subsequent validations for app logos. We will update partners on this document as soon as we have more information on this proposed change.

Frequently asked questions

9 July 2024

Announcement Correction of Refunds in Marketplace Transaction Report

We have identified an issue affecting the accuracy of refunds in the transactions reports on the marketplace portal. The issue stems from a manual error in the upstream process of creating credit memos, leading to an incorrect linkage of the marketplace-related credit line. Around 25 transactions with the reason code assigned as "deal registration" were incorrectly added, causing discrepancies in the reports for various partners.

Our team is taking action to remove these erroneous transactions. Once these transactions are eliminated, the refunds will no longer appear on your marketplace reports. Please be assured that these “deal registration” refunds will not result in any reduced payments for the affected partners. We appreciate your patience as we work to rectify this issue by 12-July-2024. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team at ECO-HELP.

6 July 2024

Fixed Fix for Zero Search Results Keywords Marketplace Reporting API

We recently observed a discrepancy in the results returned by our zero search results reporting API with a decline in zero keyword search results returned by the API.

This issue arose during one of our marketplace frontend experience enhancements, during which we made changes to certain events that the API relied on for source data. We have rectified the issue and retroactively updated our data for the past six months i.e. starting Jan 1, 2024. Partners should now have access to accurate current and historical results when utilizing this API.

27 June 2024

Announcement Enhancements to distributions and download counts data for partners: General Availability

We are excited to announce the general availability of the enhancements to distributions (active installation and user counts) that we had previously announced.

What are the improvements that we have done?

To recap, we have made improvements to the way we provide and calculate the distributions (installation and user counts) for various aggregations :

  • We have considerably decreased the latency from one week to one day for this data

  • We are introducing aggregation over hosting type for distributions.

  • We have implemented specific improvements to effectively monitor and correct failures, thereby enhancing its reliability

Partners can access this enhanced for installs from Jun 24, 2024. To learn more about these enhancements, please refer to the quick reference guide.

Note: Due to this change customers will see different install count on app tiles on the Marketplace homepage v/s install count on the app listing page. This will happen for a duration of ~ 1-2 hours everyday tentatively between 1:30 AM - 3:30 AM UTC.

How can the new data be accessed?

The enhanced data for distribution will now be accessible via the existing partner metrics API (currently also being used for retrieving MRR/ARR).

API: /rest/2/vendors/{vendorId}/partner-metrics

Metric: { "name": "DISTRIBUTIONS" }

For more details on how to make requests, please refer to our documentation

Pagination for Partner Metrics API

Along with this change, we also want to announce pagination for partner metrics API. The limit (data per request) and offset (progressive data chunks) can be sent as query parameters [limit=<Int>, offset=<Int>] in the request. Also, we are using granularity-based pagination, the limit is in the number of days.

Partners can find detailed explanation for pagination in our documentation as well as the distributions section of the quick reference guide

18 June 2024

Announcement Discontinuing access for the preview API for improved distributions data

Starting from Jun 18, 2024, Marketplace will discontinue access to the preview API for improved distributions data.

We are now preparing to make the improved distributions data generally available to all the partners from Jun 24, 2024 via the partner metrics API. We will soon be updating our documentation with details on how to access this data.

To reiterate, as announced earlier, we have been working on enhancing distributions (active installation and user counts) data. We have made improvements to the way we provide and calculate the distributions (installation and user counts) for various aggregations. Along with that, we have also reduced the latency of retrieving this data from one week to one day. This data was currently being served.

We will be updating our partners again on Jun 24, 2024 with more details on how to access this improved data.

UPDATE: We want to inform our partners that the general availability of improved distributions data is delayed by a couple of days. We will be back with more information very soon.

12 June 2024

Removed Removal of archived apps section from partner profile page

Rollout: progressive rollout by user. in progress

We will be removing the archived apps section from the partner profile pages in the Atlassian Marketplace from Jun 14, 2024. Earlier, only archived server apps were visible in this section. This also aligns with Atlassian’s recent End of Server announcement.

6 June 2024

Announcement Introducing the new Developer ID to Marketplace

As we begin to implement architectural enhancements on Marketplace, we want to announce the introduction of the new Developer ID system that will replace the existing Vendor IDs. This transformative change is integral to our long term vision of unifying access and profile management across both the Developer console and Marketplace.

Currently, Atlassian Marketplace identifies new vendors through incremental identifiers for their Vendor ID, while the Developer Console uses AAIDs and permissions without a dedicated ID entity. Our new Developer ID will use UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) instead of the previous serial number system, and is planned to be utilised across both platforms in the future, providing a seamless and cohesive profile management experience.

Please find more details about the change here on CDAC or Partner Portal

31 May 2024

Announcement Forge will remain free through 2025

Forge will remain free for another year, until 31 December 2025, up to limits that can be referenced here.

Learn more on the Atlassian developer blog:

22 May 2024

Announcement Internal Partner Account Data Migration

As part of the ongoing architectural updates on the Atlassian Marketplace, we are internally migrating all partner account details to our new systems. To ensure a smooth transition, we request partners to ensure that each of their partner accounts has at least one admin contact assigned. This can be done under the "Team" tab in the Partner Portal.

Please update the contact details by June 2024. If updates can't be made by this time, partners are encouraged to raise an Eco-Help ticket with the relevant admin contact and account details before August 2024.

Note that failure to update admin contact details may result in the inability to migrate your account to the new systems. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and are here to assist with any questions or concerns you may have.

20 May 2024

Announcement The preview API for improved distributions data is now accessible

We are excited to announce the release of the preview API for improved distributions data for our partners!

As announced earlier, we have been working on enhancing distributions (active installation and user counts) data. We have made improvements to the way we provide and calculate the distributions (installation and user counts) for various aggregations. Along with that, we have also reduced the latency of retrieving this data from one week to one day.

Due to these adjustments in logic and latency, we intend to grant partners access to the data through a preview API by using /vendors/{vendorId}/partner-metrics-preview.

For more details on the changes in logic and how to access the data, you can read the quick reference guide and documentation. It's important to be aware that historical data will not be included in this preview API release but will be incorporated during the final rollout in June. Additionally, there might be variations in the data retrieved by partner metrics API and the existing REST APIs due to changes in logic.

We are currently aiming to make the enhanced distribution counts generally available to our partners around June 2024. From then on, partners will be able to use the partner metrics API as well as the existing APIs for distributions to get the improved count. In case of any queries, partners can reach out to us by commenting on the reference guide linked above to get more information.

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