Last updated Oct 24, 2024

Migration status and progress updates

The API returns the progress/status of your tasks.

However, the progress updates will only be point in time. If you call the status API for a node which is done, you won’t see any progress data. This also means that for nodes that go through multiple phases (e.g. import and export) you’ll only see progress in the current phase.

Because the response could contain a lot of statuses, this API returns paginated responses.


  • GET /migrations/public/v1/jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/status
  • Documentation

Requests and responses

  • The statuses for check tasks will have information around the overall status of pre-migration checks. These can be searched with level=check or level=check,{check_type} for specific checks.

  • The statuses for migrate tasks will have information about the overall status of the migration and the overall status of individual scopes defined in step 1 (create a migration). You can think of these scopes as subtrees whose root is migrate.

  • For Confluence migrations, the following scopes have separate statuses: spaces, usersAndGroups, apps, globalEntities.

  • For Jira migrations, the following scopes have separate statuses: projects, usersAndGroups, jsm, arapps.

  • You can search for these granular statuses by querying the status tree.

  • If you're migrating apps, you might see that the overall migrate status is FINISHED, but apps remain IN_PROGRESS. This isn't an error: app migration happens after core migration and is independent from it.

  • All statuses are populated in an eventually-consistent manner. You might have to wait before you start seeing the status for everything.

  • For a migrate task, always first check the status of the check level and then proceed to check the status of the migrate level. The check level status will show an error if a migration couldn't be scheduled for some reason.

Checkout status examples: : Status examples

Checkout progress details examples: : Progress details examples

Pre-migration check statuses and outcomes






Pre-migration check is ongoing.



Pre-migration check execution was successful and there are no actions to take.



Pre-migration check execution was successful, but some actions require user attention. However, the migration isn't blocked.



This is a blocking check. This combination can mean two things:
  • If the message says something like We couldn't check ..., check execution didn't go through properly. You have to refer to the Migration Assistant plugin logs or reach out to support to resolve the issue.

  • In other cases, there is a task you have to complete before proceeding with the migration or if the check is overridable then you can exclude it from migrate task using override check feature.

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