This page lists the most common errors which you may encounter when using the migration API.
Migration APIs may not work as expected for the plugin versions lower than:
JCMA: 1.10.16
CCMA: 3.9.6
If you are trying to save your token using save token api and seeing the following error:
1 2Exception in saving token.
This means that you have either provided an expired token or your cloudUrl and token doesn't match.
To resolve this create a new auth token and verify that you are providing correct {cloudUrl, token}
If you've followed these steps but the issue persists, contact support.
If you see the following error:
1 2{ "data": { "status": "FINISHED", "outcome": "FAILED", "message": "The cloud url is either not attached through the cloud migration assistant or the Server ID: RMJK-8WAW-JKMI-CNOY used in the job definition is incorrect, please attach the cloud site to the on-premises instance using the server attach API and verify the Server ID." }, "links": {} }
This means that you either haven't completed step 3 (attach your cloud site) or provided a wrong server ID in step 1 (create a migration) of this guide.
If you've verified that your cloud site is attached correctly and the server ID you provided is valid, but the issue persists, contact support.
If you see the following error:
1 2{ "data": { "status": "FINISHED", "outcome": "FAILED", "message": "Please reattach corresponding destination cloudUrl with JCMA Plugin." }, "links": {} }
This happens when server is restarted. To fix this you need to reattach the cloud site, step 3 (attach your cloud site to Jira or Confluence on-premises) of this guide.
If you've reattached the cloud site but the issue persists, contact support.
If you try to execute a migration using invalid project or space names, you'll get the following error:
1 2{ "data": { "status": "FINISHED", "outcome": "FAILED", "message": "Issues while Attaching Migration : \n(1) Migration includes invalid project keys [PROJECTKEY] \n" }, "links": {} }
To resolve it, makes sure that you're only using valid project and space names.
If you try to create a task for a jobId
for which a migration has already been executed, you'll get the following error:
1 2{ "data": { "status": "FINISHED", "outcome": "FAILED", "message": "Task Not Allowed, migration has already been processed for JobId = f2bb5efc-b42d-4717-a587-c05bcba0d4e2" }, "links": {} }
If you continue getting this error and you haven't executed a migration, contact support.
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