Last updated Dec 8, 2017

Bamboo API Changes for 5.5


This page is intended to be read by Bamboo plugin developers to inform them of changes in Bamboo 5.5 that could affect their plugins. Bamboo users should consult the documentation here instead.

Summary of Changes

Deprecation of a Web Panel location

The web panel location "plan.navigator" (located below the stage/job listing in the left hand navigation of a plan) is now deprecated and will be removed in Bamboo 5.7.  There will be no direct replacement for this.  Please see Web Panel Module for alternative locations.  Feel free to raise a ticket if none of the alternatives are suitable for your plugin.

Removal of deprecated methods

The following deprecated methods in the com.atlassian.bamboo.logger package (Bamboo Java API) have been removed in Bamboo 5.5:


 * Record a build error against a build
 * @param buildKey
 * @param context
 * @param throwable
 * @deprecated since 5.0.  Use {@link #recordError(Key, String, Throwable}
void recordError(String buildKey, String context, Throwable throwable);

 * Record a build error against a build
 * @param buildKey    key of the build
 * @param buildNumber number of the build - can be null
 * @param context     message
 * @param throwable   error
 * @deprecated since 5.0. Use {@link #recordError(ResultKey, String, Throwable)}
void recordError(String buildKey, int buildNumber, String context, @Nullable Throwable throwable);

 * Record a build error against a build
 * @param buildKey
 * @param context
 * @deprecated since 5.0.  Use {@link #recordError(Key, String)}
void recordError(String buildKey, String context);

 * @deprecated since 5.0 use {@link #recordError(ResultKey, String, Throwable)} instead.
void recordError(@Nullable BuildContext buildContext, @NotNull String context, @Nullable Throwable throwable);

 * Adds all the error messages in the errorCollection to the build
 * @param buildKey
 * @param errors
 * @deprecated since 5.0 use {@link #addErrorCollection(ResultKey, ErrorCollection)}
void addErrorCollection(String buildKey, ErrorCollection errors); 

The following deprecated field and methods in the package (Bamboo Java API) have been removed in Bamboo 5.5:

 * @deprecated since 4.1 use ${@link #RESTRICTED_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS}
public static final ImmutableSet<String> RESTRICTED_ADMIN_PERMISSION_NAMES;

 * Returns collection of all possible collections for plan. Has to be updated, when new permission is added
 * @return collection of all possible permissions for plan
 * @since 3.2 please use {@link BambooPermission#getPlanPermissionsList()}
public static Permission[] getPlanPermissions();

 * @deprecated since 4.1 use ${@link #isGrantedForRestrictedAdmin(org.acegisecurity.acls.Permission)}
public static boolean isGrantedForRestrictedAdmin(final String permission)

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