Last updated Dec 8, 2017

Bamboo API Changes for Bamboo 3.0

General Notes

There have been two major features in Bamboo 3.0, Artifact Passing and the new plan/result UI. Both of these have required some core code changes which may affect your plugins.

  • As part of the Artifact Passing work, we have moved artifact definitions out of the buildDefinition xml, and they have become an entity in their own right. This has resulted in many API changes around artifacts. Storage of artifacts has also been moved (to a different directory structure).
  • The UI work we did may affect the rendering of your pages inside Bamboo, particularly on the Plan, Job and Result views.
  • We have moved to AUI Forms which will alter the layout of any form fields your plugin provides
  • We have also continued down the path started in 2.7 in removing from Build specific interfaces in favour of the more generic Plan interfaces.
  • Several methods/classes deprecated in 2.7 have been removed in 3.0.

Below you can find the details of all the changes we have made, and suggested workaround/replacements. If there is anything that we have missed please let us know.

Changed Classes/Methods


Methods on the ConfigurablePlugin interface have been changed from

 * Extension point for adding/customizing requirements when editing a build's builder configuration.
 * @param buildConfiguration source of information for customizing build requirements
 * @param requirementSet     requirements to be customized
void customizeBuildRequirements(@NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet);

 * Extension point for removing requirements when given plugin is excluded from build's builder configuration.
 * @param buildConfiguration source of information for customizing build requirements
 * @param requirementSet     requirements to be customized
void removeBuildRequirements(@NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet);


 * Extension point for adding/customizing requirements when editing a build's builder configuration.
 * @param planKey            key of {@link Plan} for which requirements has to be removed.
 * @param buildConfiguration source of information for customizing build requirements
 * @param requirementSet     requirements to be customized
void customizeBuildRequirements(@NotNull PlanKey planKey, @NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet);

 * Extension point for removing requirements when given plugin is excluded from build's builder configuration.
 * @param planKey            key of {@link Plan} for which requirements has to be removed.
 * @param buildConfiguration source of information for customizing build requirements
 * @param requirementSet     requirements to be customized
void removeBuildRequirements(@NotNull PlanKey planKey, @NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet);

This should be a painless change if your plugin extends BaseConfigurablePlugin, where default implementation calls old methods (see below) however, these old methods are deprecated so you should not rely on them in the future.

public abstract class BaseConfigurablePlugin extends BaseBuildConfigurationAwarePlugin implements ConfigurablePlugin
    public void customizeBuildRequirements(@NotNull PlanKey planKey, @NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet)
        customizeBuildRequirements(buildConfiguration, requirementSet);

     * @deprecated since 3.0 Use #customizeBuildRequirements(Plan, BuildConfiguration, RequirementSet)
    public void customizeBuildRequirements(@NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet)

    public void removeBuildRequirements(@NotNull PlanKey planKey, @NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet)
        removeBuildRequirements(buildConfiguration, requirementSet);

     * @deprecated since 3.0 Use #removeBuildRequirements(Plan, BuildConfiguration, RequirementSet)
    public void removeBuildRequirements(@NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet)

Deprecated Classes

Deprecated. Replacement


Deprecated:Artifact, Default Artifact

Replacement: ArtifactDefinitionBase, ArtifactDefinition and ArtifactDefinitionContext

Deprecated: DefaultArtifactLinkBuilder.

Replacement: Use the constructor on the ArtifactLink class directly


Deprecated: BuildResults.

Replacement: Use ExtraBuildResultsData interface instead

We are slowly moving away from using the BuildResults class. We have introduced a new cut down interface, ExtraBuildResultsData to be used instead (which will provide us with more flexibility to remove the BuildResults class moving forward).

Deprecated Methods

Method. Replacement


Method: ArtifactLinkManager.addArtifactLink(@NotNull BuildResultsSummary buildResultsSummary, @NotNull String artifactLabel)

Replacement: ArtifactLinkManager.addArtifactLink(@NotNull BuildResultsSummary producerResult, @NotNull ArtifactDefinitionBase artifactDefinitionBase) or ArtifactLinkManager.addArtifactLink(BuildResultsSummary producerResult, ArtifactDefinitionContext artifactDefinitionContext)


Method: ErrorHandler.getErrors(String)

Replacement: ErrorAccessor.getErrors(PlanKey planKey) or ErrorAccessor.getErrors(PlanResultKey planResultKey)

ErrorAccessor provides type-safe methods for accessing errors via PlanKey or PlanResultKey

Method: BambooCollectionUtils.newArrayList(...) 

Replacement: User Ordering.sortedCopy instead


Method: BuildDirectoryManager.getBuildWorkingDirectory(String planKey)

Replacement: BuildDirectoryManager.getBuildWorkingDirectory(PlanKey planKey)


Method: BuildDirectoryManager.getBuildWorkingDirectory()

Replacement: BuildDirectoryManager.getWorkingDirectoryOfCurrentAgent()

getBuildWorkingDirectory does not take into account concurrent build settings, so will actually be incorrect in most cases.

Method: DashboardCachingManager.getPlan(@NotNull String planKey)

Replacement: DashboardCachingManager.getPlan(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)

The DasboardCachingManager has been updated to just work with TopLevelPlans

Method: DashboardCachingManager.getChain(@NotNull String chainKey)

Replacement: DashboardCachingManager.getPlan(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)


Method: DashboardCachingManager.getAllChains()

Replacement: DashboardCachingManager.getAllTopLevelPlans()


Method: DashboardCachingManager.updatePlanCache(@NotNull String planKey)

Replacement: DashboardCachingManager.updatePlanCache(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)


Method: DashboardCachingManager.removePlanFromCache(@NotNull String planKey)

Replacement: DashboardCachingManager.removePlanFromCache(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)


Method: BambooContainer.getErrorMessages(String buildKey)

Replacement: BambooContainer.getErrorMessage(PlanKey planKey)


Method: Comparators.get<X>Comparator()

Replacement: Comparators.get<X>Ordering()

We have changed most of our comparators to orderings, whilst you wont see any visible changes, several method names are being updated to be clearer

Removed Classes/Methods

Build Working Directory API in

Starting with version 2.6, Bamboo build working directory structure has changed. Unfortunately old API to access that directory has not been removed - both old style access via SystemDirectory class and new style access via BuildDirectoryManager were still available. Only the new API guaranteed proper behaviour in all cases. With Bamboo 3.0, we've dropped the methods for build directory retrieval from SystemDirectory. Please use BuildDirectoryManager methods instead.


BuildManager was deprecated in 2.7 and dropped in 3.0.

In order to retrieve Plan information use the PlanManager. In order to retrieve result information use the ResultsSummaryManager for database cached BuildResultsSummaries and BuildResultsSummary.getExtraBuildResultsData() to retrieve the ExtraBuildResultsData (aka BuildResults) from XML file. If the methods you require are not yet on the ExtraBuildResultsData class, check whether or not you can get the information from the BuildResultsSummary if not, you can call, BuildResults.class) to retrieve the deprecated BuildResults object (If you need to do this, please raise an issue to let us know).

Methods on BuildPlanDefinition and BuildDefinition

The following methods have been removed from the BuildPlanDefinition and the BuildDefinition interfaces:

Collection<Artifact> getArtifactDefinitions();

 * Get the custom {@link Artifact}s.
 * @return The collection of artifacts, null, if the build does not have any artifacts
Map<String, Artifact> getArtifacts();

 * Add a new artifact to the existing build artifacts
 * @param artifact
void addArtifact(Artifact artifact);

 * Replace the build's artifacts with these ones.
 * @param artifacts
void setArtifacts(Map<String, Artifact> artifacts);

Please use the ArtifactDefinitionManager to access a Plan's Artifacts.

REST Changes

/build REST endpoint has been removed, please use /result instead. Expand parameters have also been changed from to results.result

New Plugin Points

Ability to add Tabs to the Bamboo Dashboard

A new web-section has been made available allowing you to add a Web Item Module (tab) on to the Bamboo dashboard. 

Support for Web Panels

Bamboo now provides support for Web Panels. Web Panels allow you to provide arbitrary snippets of HTML to be inserted into a page. There are currently only a few locations available to place these panels, however, we hope to increase this list soon.




Renders below the plan navigator on all Plan, Job, Plan result and Job result screens


Renders below the Artifact definitions table in the Job configuration


Renders below the Shared Artifacts table in the Job configuration


Renders below the default content of the Plan Result Artifacts tab


Renders below the default content of the Job Result Artifacts tab

*All the locations above are available since 3.0

You can find information on how to use these on the Web Panel Module page.

Build Trigger Condition Module

A new plugin point has been added to provides the ability to gate whether a build should be triggered or not. It uses a preference system so multiple trigger condition plugins can be used to determine the desired result. A build which fails the trigger condition will not be executed, there will be no trace of the existence of this build. For more information on how to create a Trigger Condition Plugin see: Build Trigger Condition Module


Context Aware Navigation

In Bamboo 3.0 we have added the Plan Navigator. When moving between Jobs and the Plan (as well as Job Results and Plan Results), the navigator remembers our context i.e. which tab you are on and will attempt to keep you on the same tab. If your plugin UI exists in a location which has the Plan Navigator, you may want to manually define where the Plan Navigator takes you. You can do this via extra properties in you XWork Plugin Module definition. You can find more information on the XWork Plugin Module page.

Changes to Bamboo's Page Decorators

Bamboo will decorate any actions that are part of your plugin. Previously, this decoration usually only provided, for example, the header and footer. In Bamboo 3.0 some decorators are providing a lot more, which will hopefully make the life of the plugin developer easier. Because of these changes you might find some of your pages are displaying strangely. This will mainly effect pages which display a tab menu (Plan, Job, Plan Result, Job Result). Now everything outside the tab content will be provided by the decorator, meaning your plugin only needs to supply the content to go inside the tab.

You will need to ensure your plugins are using the correct decorator, remove any excess html from your plugin which is no longer needed (because the decorator is supplying it) and define which tab will be selected on your page.

You can find more details on using the decorators on the XWork Plugin Module page.

Changes to Form Layout (AUI Forms)

We have changed Bamboo's forms from those old blue background panels, to the Atlassian Standard. The will affect the layout of any forms you might have in your plugins. If you were already using the webwork templates for form elements (e.g. [BAMBOO:@ww.textField .../]) there should be no code changes required. However you might want to assess whether your forms still look good and re-address any custom styling you may have put in place.

If you are not using the built in templates for form elements you will need to use AUI styling to get your forms to match. You can find information and examples about using AUI Forms at Add a Form to Your Plugin.

One thing which is not clear in that documentation is form field lengths. The standard field length is now much shorter than before and if you wish to alter the field lengths you can do so using the cssClass param. The available options are: long-field, medium-field (default), short-field e.g:

[@ww.textfield labelKey='' name="buildDir" required="true" cssClass="long-field" /]

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