You can trigger deployment via REST in two different ways, depending on the information that is available.
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Install jq to parse JSON in the command line. Alternatively, you can use Ruby, Python, or AWK.
To deploy in this scenario, you'll need
To get to the data required for triggering a deployment you'll have to:
After that you can trigger the deployment and check its status.
To get the list of deployment projects by name and ID, run the following:
1 2curl 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/deploy/project/all' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json" | jq '.[] | {name: .name,id: .id}'
Let's say we got the following output:
1 2{ "name": "Commons", "id": 7405569 } { "name": "Failing", "id": 8028161 } { "name": "Test project 2", "id": 27951105 }
I know that I want to deploy the Commons project, so I note down it's ID: 7405569.
To get the list of environments available for the Commons project by name and ID, run the following:
1 2curl 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/deploy/project/7405569' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json" | jq '.environments[] | {id: .id, name: .name}'
Let's say that we got the following output:
1 2{ "id": 7536641, "name": "Staging" } { "id": 7536642, "name": "QA" } { "id": 7536643, "name": "Production" }
I know that I want to deploy to the Staging environment, so I note down it's ID: 7536641.
To get the list of releases by name and ID, run the following:
1 2curl 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/deploy/project/7405569/versions' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json" | jq '.versions[] | {id: .id, name: .name}'
Let's say that we got the following output:
1 2{ "id": 7602178, "name": "release-2" } { "id": 7602177, "name": "release-1" }
I know that I want to deploy release-2, so I note down it's ID: 7602178.
Now let's trigger a deployment of release-2 to the Staging environment:
1 2curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/queue/deployment/?environmentId=7536641&versionId=7602178' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json" | jq '.'
Here's an example of a response:
1 2{ "deploymentResultId": 28639233, "link": { "href": "http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/deploy/result/28639234", "rel": "self" } }
You can get the deployment status result to check if the deployment succeeded or failed:
1 2curl 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/deploy/result/28639234' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json" | jq '.'
Here's an example of a response:
1 2{ "deploymentVersion": { "id": 7602178, "name": "release-2", "creationDate": 1386782176519, "creatorUserName": "admin", "items": [], "operations": { "canView": true, "canEdit": true, "canDelete": true, "allowedToExecute": false, "canExecute": false, "allowedToCreateVersion": true, "allowedToSetVersionStatus": true }, "creatorDisplayName": "Administrator", "creatorGravatarUrl": "", "planBranchName": "com.atlassian.connector.commons", "ageZeroPoint": 1458223960182 }, "deploymentVersionName": "release-2", "id": 28639234, "deploymentState": "UNKNOWN", "lifeCycleState": "QUEUED", "startedDate": 1458223960181, "queuedDate": 1458223960185, "reasonSummary": "Manual run by <a href=\"http://beloe:9087/bamboo/browse/user/admin\">Administrator</a>", "key": { "key": "7405569-7536641-28639234", "entityKey": { "key": "7405569-7536641" }, "resultNumber": 28639234 }, "operations": { "canView": true, "canEdit": true, "canDelete": false, "allowedToExecute": true, "canExecute": false, "cantExecuteReason": "Cannot deploy at this time. Environment is currently being deployed to.", "allowedToCreateVersion": false, "allowedToSetVersionStatus": false } }
In the example above we can see that the status (lifeCycleState
) is QUEUED. You can also check that in the GUI:
To check the deployment queue, run:
1 2curl 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/queue/deployment' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json"
Here's an example of a response:
1 2{ "expand": "queuedDeployments", "link": { "href": "http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/queue/deployment", "rel": "self" }, "queuedDeployments": { "size": 1, "start-index": 0, "max-result": 1 } }
The queue has only one item, but we can't see any details. The /queue/deployment
endpoint returns deployments only.
If you want to see your builds, use the /queue
endpoint that returns only builds in the queue.
Look at expand field in the example above. Its value contains possible values of the expand query parameter that expands collection fields. To view a queued deployment's details, run:
1 2curl 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/queue/deployment?expand=queuedDeployments' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json"
Here's an example of a response:
1 2{ "expand": "queuedDeployments", "link": { "href": "http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/queue/deployment", "rel": "self" }, "queuedDeployments": { "size": 1, "expand": "queuedDeployments", "queuedDeployments": [ { "deploymentResultId": 28639234, "link": { "href": "http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/deploy/result/28639234", "rel": "self" } } ], "start-index": 0, "max-result": 1 } }
To remove a deployment from a queue, run:
1 2curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/queue/deployment/28639234' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json"
If the deployment is successfuly deleted, you'll see the 204 HTTP code result.
To deploy in this scenario, you'll need
First, create a deployment release called release-3 from the build result with the ACC-TST-9 key:
Note: The *ACC-TST-9 *result is the 9th build result of the plan called ACC-TST.
1 2curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/deploy/project/7405569/version' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"planResultKey" : "ACC-TST-9", "name" : "release-3"}' | jq '.'
Here's an example of a response:
1 2{ "id": 28803073, "name": "release-3", "creationDate": 1458227142027, "creatorUserName": "admin", "items": [ { "id": 28868609, "name": "Text", "planResultKey": { "key": "ACC-TST-9", "entityKey": { "key": "ACC-TST" }, "resultNumber": 9 }, "type": "BAM_ARTIFACT", "label": "Text", "location": "", "copyPattern": "text.txt", "size": 12, "artifact": { "id": 28672003, "label": "Text", "size": 12, "isSharedArtifact": true, "isGloballyStored": false, "linkType": "com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.artifact.handler.local:ServerLocalArtifactHandler", "planResultKey": { "key": "ACC-TST-9", "entityKey": { "key": "ACC-TST" }, "resultNumber": 9 }, "archiverType": "NONE" } } ], "operations": { "canView": true, "canEdit": true, "canDelete": true, "allowedToExecute": false, "canExecute": false, "allowedToCreateVersion": true, "allowedToSetVersionStatus": true }, "creatorDisplayName": "Administrator", "creatorGravatarUrl": "", "planBranchName": "master", "ageZeroPoint": 1458227142027 }
The name field accepts plan variables in the following format:
1 2${}
1 2{"planResultKey" : "ACC-TST-9", "name" : "release-${}"}'
Once you created the release, you can deploy it. Let's say that you're deploying it to the required environment with the ID 7536641:
1 2curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9087/bamboo/rest/api/latest/queue/deployment/?environmentId=7536641&versionId=28803073' -u admin:admin -H "Accept: application/json" | jq '.'
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