Last updated Oct 28, 2024

Deprecation notice - Bitbucket Cloud REST API version 1 is deprecated effective 30 June 2018

Atlassian is deprecating all Bitbucket Cloud's version 1.0 APIs to make way for more usable and maintainable alternatives in version 2.0. We heard from many of you that consistency was lacking with 1.0 of Bitbucket Cloud's API, and we're focusing on delivering a more consistent experience with this update. With more exciting changes to come, you can expect more thoughtful design and uniformity moving forward.

With that in mind, as of June 30, 2018 the Bitbucket Cloud version 1.0 API is deprecated, and in accordance with the Atlassian REST API policy, all version 1.0 APIs were removed from Bitbucket Cloud's API permanently on 29 April 2019 (with exceptions).

What will happen if I do nothing?

Since the 1.0 APIs were removed, any apps or services still using 1.0 resources will not work (with a few exceptions). If you rely on a script, integration, or app that makes requests using /1.0/ resources, you'll need to update it to use a /2.0/ alternative as soon as possible.

Deprecated APIs and 2.0 alternatives

These are all the 1.0 APIs that have been deprecated and their 2.0 alternatives. Not all functionality provided by the 1.0 APIs will be available in version 2.0. In the cases where there is not a direct 2.0 equivalent, refer to the sections below for details about the specific resources that are affected and for possible 2.0 alternatives.

1.0 resource2.0 alternative
account (Removed)user (read-only)
changesets (Removed)commits
commit comments
commit comment
consumers (Removed)None
events (Removed)hook_events
webhooks module
groups (Removed)
group-privileges (Removed)
None - See Below
invitations (Removed)None - See Below
links (Removed)linker module
linker APIs
privileges endpoint (Removed)
privileges resource (Removed)
2.0 permissions resources (read-only)
pullrequest commentspullrequest comments
services (Removed)hook_events
webhooks module
user (read-only)
wiki (Removed)None

Significant changes and removed resources

The semantics of these 1.0 APIs were changed in a significant way or will not be included in 2.0:

Account: User/Users/Teams

The /1.0/users/{accountname} resource could be used to return a user object, which could also be a team, but is not available in 2.0. Use 2.0/users/{uuid|account_id} or /2.0/teams/{username|uuid} instead.

1.0 resource2.0 alternative
account (Removed)user (read-only)

Changesets: Commits

Changesets endpoints are not available in 2.0. Use the corresponding 2.0 APIs instead.

1.0 resource2.0 alternative
commit comments
commit comment

Events/Services: Webhooks

In 1.0 we allowed you to poll for events using the events API, or by registering for events to be pushed to you using the brokers API. That functionality has been replaced in 2.0 by webhooks. Webhooks are also a module in Connect, so that apps can register to receive hooks for events using their app descriptor. We provide the hook_events APIs for querying which events are available to register for, and we provide the hooks APIs which allow users to query for the current registrations and also to create new registrations.

1.0 resource2.0 alternative
webhooks module

Followers: Watchers

In 1.0, the term "followers" for a user tracking changes to a repository or an issue and getting email updates. In 2.0 these are now called "watchers" instead, but the terms are synonymous. Use one of the 2.0 watchers APIs to read or edit the watchers of a repository.

1.0 resource2.0 alternative

Groups: None

In 1.0, we allowed you to manage your groups in Bitbucket using the groups API. To comply with GDPR restrictions on personally identifiable information, and to adopt the Atlassian account, these endpoints do not have a direct replacement in the 2.0 API. Moving forward with the 2.0 REST API and beyond we intend to rely on the Atlassian Cloud Admin API for user and group management, but those API endpoints are not yet available.

Until the Atlassian platform services are fully available in Bitbucket we will continue to support these 1.0 REST endpoints:

  • /1.0/groups
  • /1.0/groups/{accountname}/
  • /1.0/groups/{accountname}/{group_slug}/
  • /1.0/groups/{accountname}/{group_slug}/members
  • /1.0/groups/{accountname}/{group_slug}/members/{membername}
  • /1.0/group-privileges/{accountname}
  • /1.0/group-privileges/{accountname}/{repo_slug}
  • /1.0/group-privileges/{accountname}/{repo_slug}/{group_owner}/{group_slug}
  • /1.0/group-privileges/{accountname}/{group_owner}/{group_slug}

These endpoints and all other 1.0 and 2.0 endpoints will become GDPR-compliant in April 2019.

Invitations: None

In 1.0, you could send invitations to new users to sign up for a Bitbucket account using the invitations API. To comply with GDPR restrictions on personally identifiable information, and to adopt the Atlassian account, these endpoints do not have a direct replacement in the 2.0 API. Users will only be allowed to be invited by email, and they must explicitly accept the invitation before they can access private Bitbucket content.

Moving forward with the 2.0 REST API and beyond we intend to rely on the Atlassian Cloud Admin API for user and group management, but those API endpoints are not yet available.

Until the Atlassian platform services are fully available in Bitbucket we will continue to support the /1.0/invitations REST endpoint.

The 1.0 links resource supplied functionality for adding, updating, removing, and viewing links associated with your repositories. There is currently no way to do this with the 2.0 APIs. However, if you're making a Connect app, check out the linker module and corresponding linker APIs to configure linkers with Connect app descriptors.

1.0 resource2.0 alternative
linkslinker module
linker APIs

Privileges: Permissions

User access to repositories can no longer be managed directly with the REST API. However you can still GET details of repository and account permissions.

1.0 resource2.0 alternative
privileges endpoint
privileges resource
2.0 permissions resources

Oauth/Consumers: None

The 1.0 APIs offered a way to query and update Oauth configuration. This functionality does not exist in 2.0 as part of an effort to expose less permissions-based logic in the REST API.

User: Read-only

The 1.0 user endpoint could be used to retrieve or modify information related to the currently authenticated Bitbucket Cloud user. In 2.0 the user endpoint is read-only; you can no longer modify the currently logged in user with the API. Also, where 1.0 included a repositories list, 2.0 has a link property for repositories.

Wiki: None

Bitbucket wikis can no longer be created or updated using the API. We will consider adding the endpoint to 2.0 in the future.

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