Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Connect frameworks and tools

Atlassian Connect apps can be written using many different languages, frameworks and tools. Since Atlassian Connect apps operate remotely over HTTP and can be written with any programming language and web framework there are many tools available for you to develop your apps.

Atlassian frameworks

We've written two different frameworks to help you get started. These frameworks help to generate some of the plumbing required for your Connect app, and are officially supported by Atlassian:

These frameworks handle tasks like JWT authentication and signing, persistence of host details, installation and uninstallation callbacks, and serving the app descriptor, so you don't have to worry about these details.

Additional options

Atlassian and our excellent developer community have also written a number of other frameworks that you can use. These frameworks are not supported by Atlassian but they may be supported by members of the community:

Developer tools

Confluence Extension Point Finder The Extension Point Finder is an app which loads a Web Fragment: Web Item, Web Section, Web Panel, in all available Confluence locations. Web Fragments contain a unique location, making it easier to identify the right extension points for your app.

Connect inspector The Connect inspector is an extremely useful tool allowing developers to watch live lifecycle and webhook events in your web browser. The inspector allows you to generate a temporary Atlassian Connect app you install into your cloud development environment. It will live for three days and store any lifecycle and webhook events that it receives.

JSON schema validator The validator will check that your descriptor is syntactically correct. Just paste the JSON content of your descriptor in the interactive editor, and any issues with the schema will be shown inline in the editor view. An encoded JWT token can be opaque. Use the debugger at to decode JWT tokens and inspect their content. Paste the JWT token from the Authorization header after the &quotJWT &quot prefix and paste into the Encoded section:

Authorization: JWT eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIuLi4iLCJpYXQiOjE2MzY5NDgwNDYsImV4cCI6MTYzNjk0ODIyNiwicXNoIjoiZTY0OGU0ZWI2ZjZiODBmYTI3YzRkNmMzZmEwMmJjNmVkNTY4NWIzNWJlMTUyNTc4YzM4ZTAwMzM5ODk3YWUxMyJ9.0vJbfzqWkacUOZPGUVgknhvggFTfyZry1tir30I_UCM

Remember that JWTs are secure tokens and care should be taken disclosing them to third-party sites.

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