Because the REST API is based on open standards, you can use any web development language to access the API.
Please refer to the API token page to generate one for the examples below.
This example finds blog posts to display in a blog roll with labels.
1 2curl -u -X GET ",history,body.view,metadata.labels" | python -mjson.tool
Example result:
1 2{ "_links": { "self": "" }, "limit": 10, "results": [ { "_expandable": { "ancestors": "", "children": "/rest/api/content/557065/child", "container": "", "descendants": "/rest/api/content/557065/descendant", "version": "" }, "_links": { "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/CYAI", "webui": "/display/TST/Test+Space+Home" }, "body": { "editor": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/557065" }, "representation": "editor" }, "export_view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/557065" }, "representation": "export_view" }, "storage": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/557065" }, "representation": "storage" }, "view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/557065" }, "representation": "view", "value": "<p>Example page</p>" } }, "history": { "_expandable": { "lastUpdated": "" }, "_links": { "self": "" }, "createdBy": { "displayName": "A. D. Ministrator", "profilePicture": { "height": 48, "isDefault": true, "path": "/confluence/s/en_GB-1988229788/4960/NOCACHE1/_/images/icons/profilepics/default.png", "width": 48 }, "type": "known", "username": "admin" }, "createdDate": "2014-03-07T16:14:35.220+1100", "latest": true }, "id": "557065", "metadata": { "labels": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "limit": 200, "results": [], "size": 0, "start": 0 }, "likesCount": null }, "space": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "id": 786433, "key": "TST", "name": "Test Space" }, "title": "Test Space Home", "type": "page" }, { "_expandable": { "ancestors": "", "children": "/rest/api/content/557067/child", "container": "", "descendants": "/rest/api/content/557067/descendant", "version": "" }, "_links": { "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/C4AI", "webui": "/display/TST/A+new+page" }, "body": { "editor": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/557067" }, "representation": "editor" }, "export_view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/557067" }, "representation": "export_view" }, "storage": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/557067" }, "representation": "storage" }, "view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/557067" }, "representation": "view", "value": "" } }, "history": { "_expandable": { "lastUpdated": "" }, "_links": { "self": "" }, "createdBy": { "displayName": "A. D. Ministrator", "profilePicture": { "height": 48, "isDefault": true, "path": "/confluence/s/en_GB-1988229788/4960/NOCACHE1/_/images/icons/profilepics/default.png", "width": 48 }, "type": "known", "username": "admin" }, "createdDate": "2014-03-07T16:18:33.554+1100", "latest": true }, "id": "557067", "metadata": { "labels": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "limit": 200, "results": [], "size": 0, "start": 0 }, "likesCount": null }, "space": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "id": 786433, "key": "TST", "name": "Test Space" }, "title": "A new page", "type": "page" }, { "_expandable": { "ancestors": "", "children": "/rest/api/content/950276/child", "container": "", "descendants": "/rest/api/content/950276/descendant", "version": "" }, "_links": { "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/BIAO", "webui": "/display/TST/myPage+Title" }, "body": { "editor": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/950276" }, "representation": "editor" }, "export_view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/950276" }, "representation": "export_view" }, "storage": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/950276" }, "representation": "storage" }, "view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/950276" }, "representation": "view", "value": "<p>Some content</p>" } }, "history": { "_expandable": { "lastUpdated": "" }, "_links": { "self": "" }, "createdBy": { "displayName": "A. D. Ministrator", "profilePicture": { "height": 48, "isDefault": true, "path": "/confluence/s/en_GB-1988229788/4960/NOCACHE1/_/images/icons/profilepics/default.png", "width": 48 }, "type": "known", "username": "admin" }, "createdDate": "2014-03-07T17:08:20.326+1100", "latest": true }, "id": "950276", "metadata": { "labels": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "limit": 200, "results": [], "size": 0, "start": 0 }, "likesCount": null }, "space": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "id": 786433, "key": "TST", "name": "Test Space" }, "title": "myPage Title", "type": "page" } ], "size": 3, "start": 0 }
This example shows how you can browse content.
1 2curl -u | python -mjson.tool
Example result:
1 2{ "_links": { "self": "" }, "limit": 100, "results": [ { "_expandable": { "ancestors": "", "body": "", "children": "", "container": "", "history": "/rest/api/content/3965071/history", "metadata": "", "space": "/rest/api/space/TST", "version": "" }, "_links": { "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/j4A8", "webui": "/display/TST/Test+Space+Home" }, "id": "3965071", "title": "Test Space Home", "type": "page" }, { "_expandable": { "ancestors": "", "body": "", "children": "", "container": "", "history": "/rest/api/content/3965072/history", "metadata": "", "space": "/rest/api/space/TST", "version": "" }, "_links": { "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/kIA8", "webui": "/display/TST/Test+Page" }, "id": "3965072", "title": "Test Page", "type": "page" } ], "size": 2, "start": 0 }
This example shows how you can read the content of a page with the body expanded.
1 2curl -u | python -mjson.tool
Example result:
1 2{ "_expandable": { "ancestors": "", "children": "", "container": "", "history": "/rest/api/content/3965072/history", "metadata": "", "space": "/rest/api/space/TST", "version": "" }, "_links": { "base": "", "collection": "/rest/api/contents", "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/kIA8", "webui": "/display/TST/Test+Page" }, "body": { "editor": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3965072" }, "representation": "editor" }, "export_view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3965072" }, "representation": "export_view" }, "storage": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3965072" }, "representation": "storage", "value": "<p>blah blah</p>" }, "view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3965072" }, "representation": "view" } }, "id": "3965072", "title": "Test Page", "type": "page" }
This example shows how you can look up a page by space key and title with history expanded to find the creator.
1 2curl -u -X GET "" | python -mjson.tool
Example result :
1 2{ "_links": { "self": "" }, "limit": 100, "results": [ { "_expandable": { "ancestors": "", "body": "", "children": "/rest/api/content/950276/child", "container": "", "descendants": "/rest/api/content/950276/descendant", "metadata": "", "space": "/rest/api/space/TST", "version": "" }, "_links": { "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/BIAO", "webui": "/display/TST/myPage+Title" }, "history": { "_expandable": { "lastUpdated": "" }, "_links": { "self": "" }, "createdBy": { "displayName": "A. D. Ministrator", "profilePicture": { "height": 48, "isDefault": true, "path": "/confluence/s/en_GB-1988229788/4960/NOCACHE1/_/images/icons/profilepics/default.png", "width": 48 }, "type": "known", "username": "admin" }, "createdDate": "2014-03-07T17:08:20.326+1100", "latest": true }, "id": "950276", "title": "myPage Title", "type": "page" } ], "size": 1, "start": 0 }
This example shows how you can create a new page, with body
content, in a specific space
1 2curl -u -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"type":"page","title":"new page","space":{"key":"TST"},"body":{"storage":{"value":"<p>This is a new page</p>","representation":"storage"}}}' | python -mjson.tool
Example result:
1 2{ "_expandable": { "children": "/rest/api/content/3604482/child", "descendants": "/rest/api/content/3604482/descendant", "metadata": "" }, "_links": { "base": "", "collection": "/rest/api/contents", "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/AgA3", "webui": "/display/TST/new+page" }, "ancestors": [], "body": { "editor": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482" }, "representation": "editor" }, "export_view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482" }, "representation": "export_view" }, "storage": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482" }, "representation": "storage", "value": "<p>This is a new page</p>" }, "view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482" }, "representation": "view" } }, "container": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "id": 2719747, "key": "TST", "name": "Test Space" }, "history": { "_expandable": { "lastUpdated": "" }, "_links": { "self": "" }, "createdBy": { "displayName": "A. D. Ministrator", "profilePicture": { "height": 48, "isDefault": true, "path": "/confluence/s/en_GB-1988229788/4960/NOCACHE1/_/images/icons/profilepics/default.png", "width": 48 }, "type": "known", "username": "admin" }, "createdDate": "2014-03-10T23:14:35.031+1100", "latest": true }, "id": "3604482", "space": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "id": 2719747, "key": "TST", "name": "Test Space" }, "title": "new page", "type": "page", "version": { "by": { "displayName": "A. D. Ministrator", "profilePicture": { "height": 48, "isDefault": true, "path": "/confluence/s/en_GB-1988229788/4960/NOCACHE1/_/images/icons/profilepics/default.png", "width": 48 }, "type": "known", "username": "admin" }, "message": "", "minorEdit": false, "number": 1, "when": "2014-03-10T23:14:35.031+1100" } }
1 2// This creates a page in a space. var username = "admin"; var apiToken = "235hsdsd8kdssd80"; var jsondata = {"type":"page", "title":"My Test Page", "space":{"key":"TST"}, "body":{"storage":{"value":"<p>This is a new page</p>","representation":"storage"}}}; $.ajax ({ type: "POST", url: "", contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", async: false, headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + btoa(username+ ":" + apiToken) }, data: JSON.stringify(jsondata), success: function (){ console.log('Page saved!'); }, error : function(xhr, errorText){ console.log('Error '+ xhr.responseText); } });
This example shows how you can create a new page, with body
content, as a child of another page with ID 456. Note the ancestors
property where we specify the parent page's id
1 2curl -u -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"type":"page","title":"new page", "ancestors":[{"id":456}], "space":{"key":"TST"},"body":{"storage":{"value":"<p>This is a new page</p>","representation":"storage"}}}' | python -mjson.tool
This example shows how you can update the content of an existing page.
1 2curl -u -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"id":"3604482","type":"page","title":"new page","space":{"key":"TST"},"body":{"storage":{"value":"<p>This is the updated text for the new page</p>","representation":"storage"}},"version":{"number":2}}' | python -mjson.tool
Example result:
1 2{ "_expandable": { "children": "/rest/api/content/3604482/child", "descendants": "/rest/api/content/3604482/descendant", "metadata": "" }, "_links": { "base": "", "collection": "/rest/api/contents", "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/AgA3", "webui": "/display/TST/new+page" }, "ancestors": [], "body": { "editor": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482" }, "representation": "editor" }, "export_view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482" }, "representation": "export_view" }, "storage": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482" }, "representation": "storage", "value": "<p>This is the updated text for the new page</p>" }, "view": { "_expandable": { "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482" }, "representation": "view" } }, "container": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "id": 2719747, "key": "TST", "name": "Test Space" }, "history": { "_expandable": { "lastUpdated": "", "previousVersion": "" }, "_links": { "self": "" }, "createdBy": { "displayName": "A. D. Ministrator", "profilePicture": { "height": 48, "isDefault": true, "path": "/confluence/s/en_GB-1988229788/4960/NOCACHE1/_/images/icons/profilepics/default.png", "width": 48 }, "type": "known", "username": "admin" }, "createdDate": "2014-03-10T23:14:35.031+1100", "latest": true }, "id": "3604482", "space": { "_links": { "self": "" }, "id": 2719747, "key": "TST", "name": "Test Space" }, "title": "new page", "type": "page", "version": { "by": { "displayName": "A. D. Ministrator", "profilePicture": { "height": 48, "isDefault": true, "path": "/confluence/s/en_GB-1988229788/4960/NOCACHE1/_/images/icons/profilepics/default.png", "width": 48 }, "type": "known", "username": "admin" }, "minorEdit": false, "number": 2, "when": "2014-03-10T23:16:50.757+1100" } }
This example shows how you can delete a page by content ID.
1 2curl -v -S -u -X DELETE | python -mjson.tool
Expect a HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
response after a successful deletion.
This example shows how you can upload an attachment to a specific page (where 3604482
is the content ID), and specify a comment.
1 2curl -v -S -u -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" -F "file=@myfile.txt" -F "comment=this is my file" "" | python -mjson.tool
1 2{ "_expandable": { "icon": "" }, "_links": { "base": "", "collection": "/rest/api/space", "context": "/confluence", "self": "" }, "description": { "_expandable": { "view": "" }, "plain": { "representation": "plain", "value": "Raider Space for raiders" } }, "homepage": { "_expandable": { "ancestors": "", "body": "", "children": "/rest/api/content/3997704/child", "container": "", "descendants": "/rest/api/content/3997704/descendant", "history": "/rest/api/content/3997704/history", "metadata": "", "space": "/rest/api/space/RAID4", "version": "" }, "_links": { "self": "", "tinyui": "/x/CAA9", "webui": "/display/RAID4/Raider+Home" }, "id": "3997704", "title": "Raider Home", "type": "page" }, "id": 4030468, "key": "RAID", "name": "Raider", "type": "global" }
This python example shows how to add a comment to a page. The page to be commented on is first fetched from the API by title, then used as the container of the comment.
1 2import requests, json def printResponse(r): print '{} {}\n'.format(json.dumps(r.json(), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')), r) r = requests.get('', params={'title' : 'Page title to comment on'}, auth=('admin', 'admin')) printResponse(r) parentPage = r.json()['results'][0] pageData = {'type':'comment', 'container':parentPage, 'body':{'storage':{'value':"<p>A new comment</p>",'representation':'storage'}}} r ='', data=json.dumps(pageData), auth=('admin','admin'), headers=({'Content-Type':'application/json'})) printResponse(r)
This example demonstrates creating a new space. The call declares the space key
, name
, type
or personal
), and description
1 2curl -u -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "key":"RAID", "name":"Raider", "type":"global", "description":{"plain": { "value": "Raider Space for raiders","representation": "plain" }}}'
This example shows how to convert storage format to view format.
1 2curl -u -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"value":"<ac:structured-macro ac:name=\"cheese\" />","representation":"storage"}' "" | python -mjson.tool
Example result:
1 2{ "_links": { "base": "" }, "representation": "view", "value": "I like cheese!" }
This example shows how to convert wiki markup to storage format.
1 2curl -u -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"value":"{cheese}","representation":"wiki"}' "" | python -mjson.tool
Example result:
1 2{ "_links": { "base": "" }, "representation": "storage", "value": "<ac:structured-macro ac:name=\"cheese\" />" }
This example shows how to convert storage format to view format again, but this time using an existing piece of content for the conversion context. Some macros require a page context when they execute. In this example the space attachments macro is used, and this uses the space that the page is in to determine what attachments to show :
1 2curl -u -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"representation":"storage","value":"<p><ac:structured-macro ac:name=\"space-attachments\"/></p>","content":{"id":"1448805348"}}' "" | python -mjson.tool
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