Last updated Mar 10, 2025

Scopes for Connect apps

Scopes enable an app to request a level of access to an Atlassian product.

  • The scopes may provide the potential to access beta or non-public APIs that are later changed or removed from the Atlassian product. The inclusion of the API endpoint in a scope doesn't imply that the product makes this endpoint public. Read the Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation for details.
  • Some scopes automatically imply that the app is granted other scopes.

Scopes for Atlassian Connect apps

If you are building an Atlassian Connect app for Jira, use the following scopes:

Scope nameDescriptionImplied scopes
NONEAccess app-defined data. This scope does not need to be declared in the descriptor.
READView, browse, and read information from Jira.NONE
WRITECreate or edit content in Jira, but not delete content.READ, NONE
DELETEDelete content in Jira.WRITE, READ, NONE
PROJECT_ADMINAdminister a project in Jira.DELETE, WRITE, READ, NONE
ACT_AS_USERAccess content using the permissions of the user running the app.
ACCESS_EMAIL_ADDRESSESGet the email addresses of users.

Scope names can be provided in all lowercase or all upper case, for example, read or READ.

Scopes are declared as a top level attribute of atlassian-connect.json app descriptor as in this example:

    "baseUrl": "",
    "key": "atlassian-connect-app",
    "scopes": [
        "read", "write"
    "modules": {}

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