Custom Build Definition Transformer module


Bamboo 3.3 and later


The BuildDefinition class is used within Bamboo to store build definition information. BuildDefinition objects are frequently serialised so that they can be stored in the database and be transferred to and from remote agents. The CustomBuildDefinitionTransformer interface has existed previously so that plugins can store custom data with a BuildDefinition object once it has been de-serialised.

As of Bamboo 3.3, classes that implement the CustomBuildDefinitionTransformer interface must be defined as a separate Custom Build Definition Transformer plugin module.


Custom Build Definition Transformer modules must implement the com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.module.ext.CustomBuildDefinitionTransformer interface.

Sample Module Descriptor Element

<buildDefinitionTransformer key="myCustomTransformer" name="My Custom Build Definition Transformer" class="my.bamboo.plugin.MyCustomBuildDefinitionTransformer">
    <description>Adds my custom objects to the deserialized build definition.</description>

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