The data classification feature enables organizations to categorize content into classes defined by their data classification policy, known as classification levels. These levels, set up by organization admins, apply organization-wide. The feature extends to setting default levels for Confluence spaces and Jira projects. This guide outlines the process of creating classification levels and classifying Confluence spaces and Jira projects.
POST /orgs/{orgId}/classification-levels
Create a classification level for the whole organization in accordance with your company policy.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
curl --request POST \ --url '{orgId}/classification-levels' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "name": "<string>", "definition": "<string>", "guideline": "<string>", "color": "RED" }'
Save the levelId from the response of this call to use later. Show me details on creating a classification level.
POST /orgs/{orgId}/classification-levels/publish
When data classification levels are configured, they are initially stored as drafts. Publish classification levels so they are available to be applied to company data.
1 2curl --request POST \ --url '{orgId}/classification-levels/publish' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "levelIds": [ "ari:cloud:platform::classification-tag/dec24c48-5073-4c25-8fef-9d81a992c30c", "ari:cloud:platform::classification-tag/dec24c48-5073-4c25-8fef-9d81a992c30c", ] }'
Show me details on publishing a classification level.
GET /rest/api/3/project/search
GET /spaces
In order to update the default classification level of a project or space, you must first obtain its Id. To retrieve a list of projects or spaces use the following APIs:
1 2# This will retrieve list of projects in organization Jira instance curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --user '<api_token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json'
1 2# This will retrieve list of spaces in organization Confluence instance curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --user '<api_token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json'
Explore Get Jira projects and Get Confluence spaces APIs.
PUT /rest/api/3/project/{projectIdOrKey}/classification-level/default
PUT /wiki/api/v2/spaces/{id}/classification-level/default
Update the default classification level of a project or space to the desired classification level. Permissions and scopes differ between Jira and Confluence compared to Cloud Admin. Please refer to the linked APIs for more information.
1 2# Updating default classification level for a Jira project curl --request PUT \ --url '{projectIdOrKey}/classification-level/default' \ --user '<api_token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "id": "ari:cloud:platform::classification-tag/dec24c48-5073-4c25-8fef-9d81a992c30c" }'
1 2# Updating default classification level for a Confluence space curl --request PUT \ --url '{spaceId}/classification-level/default' \ --user '<api_token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "id": "ari:cloud:platform::classification-tag/dec24c48-5073-4c25-8fef-9d81a992c30c" }'
Explore Update the default data classification level of a project and Update space default classification level APIs.
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