Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Use the GraphQL API toolkit

The GraphQL API toolkit provides methods for making common requests to the Atlassian GraphQL Gateway from a Forge app.

Before you begin

To access GraphQL APIs from your app, install the latest GraphQL API Toolkit package by running:

1 npm install @atlassian/forge-graphql

Use the GraphQL API toolkit

Import the @atlassian/forge-graphql package into your Forge app:

1 import graphqlGateway from "@atlassian/forge-graphql";

The following example request uses the getComponent method to fetch details about a Compass component. When executing this code, define a componentId variable, which you can find on any component on your Compass site.

1 2 3 4 const { errors, data } = await graphqlGateway.compass.asApp().getComponent({ componentId });

To view the full documentation for the GraphQL API toolkit, visit the reference documentation.

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