Last updated Mar 3, 2025

Connect conditions

Connect conditions are a powerful way to control whether your UI elements should be shown or not. A common example is to specify that a user must be logged in to see the app. Or, you may want your element to always display but behave differently depending on user permissions or other states that conditions allow you to check.

You should not rely on Connect conditions as a mechanism to protect sensitive data. This is because conditions are executed on the client-side, and it is impossible to guarantee that the execution results won't be overridden using the developer tools of a browser.

We strongly recommend that you apply appropriate permission checks in your code on top of Connect conditions for any sensitive data you are going to operate with.


Predefined conditions provided by each host product are the most commonly used conditions. But, if you need more flexibility, custom conditions stored by the app in the host product is an option:

Predefined conditions

A predefined condition is a condition which is exposed from the host Atlassian application.

For example, a condition that will evaluate when only logged-in users view the page is specified by the following module declaration.

    "modules": {
        "generalPages": [
                "conditions": [
                        "condition": "user_is_logged_in"

See the list of predefined conditions.

Condition parameters

Certain predefined conditions accept parameters.

For example, the has_attachment_permission condition passes only for users who have the permission specified in the condition. This means that permissions are checked when the user views the page in a browser.

    "modules": {
        "generalPages": [
                "conditions": [
                        "condition": "has_attachment_permission",
                        "params": {
                            "permission": "EDIT"

List of predefined conditions

There are a set of common conditions and Confluence-specific conditions.


  • addon_property_equal_to
  • addon_property_equal_to_context
  • addon_property_contains_any
  • addon_property_contains_all
  • addon_property_contains_context
  • addon_property_contains_any_user_group
  • entity_property_equal_to
  • entity_property_equal_to_context
  • entity_property_contains_any
  • entity_property_contains_all
  • entity_property_contains_context
  • entity_property_contains_any_user_group
  • feature_flag
  • user_is_admin
  • user_is_logged_in
  • user_is_sysadmin
  • addon_is_licensed


  • can_edit_space_styles
  • can_signup
  • content_has_any_permissions_set
  • content_property_equal_to
  • content_property_equal_to_context
  • content_property_contains_any
  • content_property_contains_all
  • content_property_contains_context
  • content_property_contains_any_user_group
  • create_content
  • email_address_public
  • favourite_page
  • favourite_space
  • following_target_user
  • has_attachment
  • has_attachment_permission
  • has_blog_post
  • has_comment_permission
  • has_custom_content_permission
  • has_page
  • has_page_permission
  • has_space
  • has_space_permission
  • has_template
  • latest_version
  • not_personal_space
  • printable_version
  • showing_page_attachments
  • space_function_permission
  • space_property_equal_to
  • space_property_equal_to_context
  • space_property_contains_any
  • space_property_contains_all
  • space_property_contains_context
  • space_property_contains_any_user_group
  • space_sidebar
  • target_user_has_personal_blog
  • target_user_has_personal_space
  • threaded_comments
  • tiny_url_supported
  • user_can_create_personal_space
  • user_can_use_confluence
  • user_favouriting_target_user_personal_space
  • user_has_personal_blog
  • user_has_personal_space
  • user_is_anonymous
  • user_is_confluence_administrator
  • user_is_external_collaborator
  • user_is_licensed
  • user_logged_in_editable
  • user_watching_page
  • user_watching_space
  • user_watching_space_for_content_type
  • viewing_content
  • viewing_own_profile

Confluence condition parameters

has_attachment_permission, has_comment_permission, has_custom_content_permission, has_page_permission and has_space_permission require a key of the permission that will be checked for the current user to be passed via the permission parameter. Below you will find the keys of the valid permissions.

Permission keys
  • VIEW
  • EDIT

Global permission keys


Property conditions

Property conditions operate on properties of the user at the browser, the entity being viewed (e.g., a page or a blog post), or its container (e.g., a space), or the entire system.

Apps that need to impose custom requirements when user interface elements are displayed can use a property condition.

The following property conditions exist:

  • entity_property_equal_to
  • entity_property_contains_any
  • entity_property_contains_all

These allow fast comparisons to be made against data (properties) stored by the app in the host product. See the Confluence entity properties page for more details. Usually, properties are set by a REST call against an entity type. See the Confluence Cloud REST API documentation for information about how to manage properties for each entity.

Using conditions with app or entity properties only controls what users see in the product UI. Authenticated users can access and edit properties using the REST APIs. For this reason, never use app or entity properties to store private or personal information.

Property conditions are defined in the atlassian-connect.json file in a similar way to built in conditions. An example is below.

    "modules": {
        "webItems": [
                "key": "conditional-web-item",
                "name": {
                    "value": "Conditional web item"
                "url": "/conditional-web-item",
                "location": "page.metadata.banner",
                "conditions": [
                        "condition": "entity_property_equal_to",
                        "params": {
                            "entity": "content",
                            "propertyKey": "example-key",
                            "value": "example-value",
                            "objectName": "state"

The condition requires three parameters and can contain (as in the above example) an optional fourth parameter.

Required parameters

  • entity - the entity on which the property has been stored. If an entity of the expected type is not present in the rendering context of the user interface element, the condition evaluates to false.
  • propertyKey - the key of the property to check. If the property is not present, the condition evaluates to false.
  • value - the value to compare the property value against.

Optional parameters

The optional parameter objectName lets you select which part of the entity property JSON value you wish to compare against. For example, if an entity property had the following value:

    "one": {
        "ignored": "value",
        "two": true
    "also": "ignored"

Then you could set the value parameter to true and the objectName parameter to one.two and the condition would evaluate to true. Specifying an objectName string which cannot be used to traverse the property value results in false.

entity_property_equal_to example

An app could let administrators activate functionality per Confluence space. This could be achieved by storing an entity property with the key mySettings and the value {"isEnabled" : true} on each project using the product's REST API. Then use the entity_property_equal_to to test for it with the following module definition:

    "modules": {
        "webPanels": [
                "location": "",
                "conditions": [
                        "condition": "entity_property_equal_to",
                        "params": {
                            "entity": "space",
                            "propertyKey": "mySettings",
                            "objectName": "isEnabled",
                            "value": "true"

entity_property_contains_any example

It is also possible to write conditions where you can check if one or all of the values in the condition are present in the hosted data.

For example, imagine that you stored the following data against a Confluence space under the property key consumingTeams:

    "teamCount": 4,
    "teams": ["Legal", "Human Resources", "Accounting", "Taxation"]

You could then write a condition to only apply to projects that are for the Accounting and Development teams, like so:

    "condition": "entity_property_contains_any",
    "params": {
        "entity": "space",
        "propertyKey": "consumingTeams",
        "objectName": "teams",
        "value": "[\"Accounting\", \"Development\"]"

You will note that the value parameter needs to be a string escaped JSON element. -->

Property conditions aliases

The following aliases can be used which make writing property conditions more convenient.

  • addon_property_equal_to
  • addon_property_contains_any
  • addon_property_contains_all
  • content_property_equal_to
  • content_property_contains_any
  • content_property_contains_all
  • space_property_equal_to
  • space_property_contains_any
  • space_property_contains_all

When using these aliases, the entity param is not used. This would mean the following two condition definitions are identical.

This definition...

	"condition": "entity_property_equal_to",
	"params": {
		"entity": "content",
		"propertyKey": "flagged",
		"value": "true"
} the same as this definition.

	"condition": "content_property_equal_to",
	"params": {
		"propertyKey": "flagged",
		"value": "true"

addon_is_licensed condition

The addon_is_licensed condition will evaluate to true if and only if your app is a paid app and it is licensed. This condition can be placed on any Atlassian Connect module that supports conditions, and it is not context sensitive. Here is an example of the new condition in use:

"generalPages": [{
    "conditions": [
            "condition": "addon_is_licensed"
            "condition": "user_is_logged_in"
    "key": "your-module-key", 
    "name": {
        "value": "Your module name"
    "url": "/panel/for/page", 
    "weight": 100

In this example, the Jira Issue Tab Panel will only be shown if the app is licensed and the user is logged in.

Only use this condition with paid apps that are licensed via the Atlassian Marketplace. If you give away your app for *free* then you must not use the `addon_is_licensed` condition. This is important because all free apps are considered unlicensed and thus the condition will return `false`.

Boolean operations

The composite condition module fragment can be used wherever a condition is expected. This allows the construction of boolean expressions aggregating multiple conditions.

For example, a condition that will evaluate when only anonymous users view the page is specified by the following module declaration.

    "modules": {
        "generalPages": [
                "conditions": [
                        "condition": "user_is_logged_in",
                        "invert": false

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