This tutorial teaches you how to make calls to the REST API in three contexts:
In this tutorial, you'll use the Search content REST API and a little CQL to determine which piece of content in your Confluence instance was updated most recently:
id != 0 order by lastmodified desc
to make sure you only get one result: the most recently updated piece of content.Ensure you have installed all the tools you need for Confluence Connect app development by Getting set up with Atlassian Connect Express (ACE):
You'll want to add some content to search and make sure you have cURL installed:
Add pages, blog posts, and other content to your Confluence instance.
Install cURL if necessary. You can check whether it is installed by typing:
1 2curl --version
You can make REST API calls from the command line using cURL. This is a good way to get familiar with the behavior of the APIs.
To make REST API calls using cURL or from a script, you must authenticate with your Atlassian email and API token encoded together in the base64 format. You can use an online tool or an application such as base64 (macOS/Linux) or certutil (Windows) to encode the string into base64 format.
Generate an API token for your Atlassian account.
Build a string with your Atlassian email address and the API token separated by a colon. Example:
Use an online tool or an application to encode the string into base64 format. The result is a string of letters and numbers like this:
1 2eW91cl9lbWFpbEBhdGxhc3NpYW4ubmV0OjEyMzQ1Njc=
You'll use this encoded string in the Authorization
header when you make the call.
Once you have encoded your credentials, you can use cURL to make a call to the REST API. The syntax is:
1 2curl --request <method> '<url>?<parameters>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded credentials>'
You'll be making a GET
request to the search
REST API using parameters to specify a CQL query
and a limit to the number of results. Here are the steps:
endpoint. For example:
1 2
and cql
parameters to specify the results you want. Remember to URL-encode
the spaces by changing them to %20
1 2?limit=1&cql=id%20!=%200%20order%20by%20lastmodified%20desc
request method. For example:
The lines have been broken here for readability using a backslash (1 2curl --request GET '!=%200%20order%20by%20lastmodified%20desc' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic eW91cl9lbWFpbEBhdGxhc3NpYW4ubmV0OjEyMzQ1Njc='
), but for now just put
the entire command on a single line.If you don't get the results you expect, check the syntax of the command. Spaces, line breaks, or typos can sometimes cause errors that look like authentication failures or other problems.
To make REST API calls from Connect, you'll use the "Hello, World" app that the Connect framework
creates. You'll atlas-connect
to create the app framework, which is a directory called
that contains all the basic components of a Connect app.
From the command line, go into a directory where you'd like to work, and type:
1 2atlas-connect new rest-tutorial
Select Confluence in the menu.
When the command finishes, go into the rest-tutorial
directory and run npm install
to install
any dependencies for the app.
Add a credentials.json file in your app directory with your information:
your-confluence-domain: Use the domain of your cloud development site (for example,
username: Use the email address of your Atlassian account.
password: Specify the API token.
1 2{ "hosts" : { "<your-confluence-domain>": { "product" : "confluence", "username" : "<>", "password" : "<api_token>" } }, "ngrok": { "authtoken": "your-ngrok-token" } }
If you've already done the Getting started
tutorial, you can just copy over the credentials.json
file from that directory.
The "Hello world" app provided by atlas-connect
includes a generalPages
module, a route handler,
and a view already. You'll use these existing components to make a REST API call and display some of
the results. If you're not familiar with how the view displays variables from the route handler, you
can learn by doing the Creating a general page tutorial.
In a Connect route handler, you can grab the clientKey
from the context and use it to build an
for making requests to the REST API. Connect builds headers for you and takes care of
authentication using the credentials in credentials.json
. In this example, you'll make the same
REST API call you made in the cURL example, parse the JSON, and display the title of the updated page.
You'll access the title using contents.results[0].title
and store it in a variable called
for display by the view.
Edit index.js
(inside the routes
directory), replacing the existing app.get()
function with
the following code:
1 2app.get('/hello-world', addon.authenticate(), (req, res) => { const clientKey = req.context.clientKey; const httpClient = addon.httpClient({ clientKey: clientKey }); httpClient.get( '/rest/api/content/search?limit=1&cql= id != 0 order by lastmodified desc', function(err, response, contents){ if(err || (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode > 299)) { console.log(err); res.render('<strong>An error has occurred : '+ response.statusCode +'</strong>'); } contents = JSON.parse(contents); console.log(contents); let page_title; if(contents.size > 0){ page_title = contents.results[0].title; }else{ page_title = "Error: no results"; } res.render( 'hello-world.hbs', { title: 'Atlassian Connect', updated_page: page_title }); } ); });
Edit hello-world.hbs
(inside the views
directory), adding the following line after the
Welcome to {{title}}
1 2<p>The most recently updated page is: <b>{{updated_page}}</b>!</p>
In the rest-tutorial
directory, type npm start
on the command line to start the app.
Navigate to your Confluence instance and click on 'Hello World' under Apps. You should see the title of the most recently updated piece of content (and it should match the result you got with cURL).
Because Connect escapes the URL for you, you don't have to replace the spaces with %20
and the
URL is much easier to read.
You can use the Atlassian JavaScript API to make REST calls directly from the view. In this part
of the tutorial, you'll use the AP.request()
function to make the call, grabbing
some information from the JSON response. You'll change the innerHTML
of a <div>
to display
the information in the view.
and add the following code after the {{updated_page}}
line that you added
in the previous section:
1 2<div id="more_info"></div> <script> AP.request({ url: '/rest/api/content/search?limit=1&cql=id!=0 order by lastmodified desc', success: function(response) { response = JSON.parse(response); if(response.size > 0){ document.getElementById('more_info').innerHTML = '<ul><li>Type: ' + response.results[0].type + '</li><li>ID: ' + response.results[0].id + '</li></ul>' } else { document.getElementById('more_info').innerHTML = "<b>No results found.</b>"; } }, error: function() { console.log(arguments); } }); </script>
directory, type npm start
on the command line to start the app.Now that you know the basic pattern, you can use these three methods to try some of the other REST API endpoints.
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