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User Macro module


Confluence 2.3 and later

Adding a user macro plugin

User macro is a kind of Confluence plugin module.

User macro plugin modules

With user macro plugin modules, developers can define simple macros directly in the atlassian-plugin.xml file without writing any additional Java code. User macro plugin modules are functionally identical to user macros configured through the administrative console, except that they can be packaged and distributed in the same way as normal plugins.

User macros installed as plugin modules do not appear in the user macro section of the administrative console, and are not editable from within the user interface. They appear just as normal plugin modules in the plugin interface.

Configuring a macro plugin module

Configure entire macro plugin modules inside the atlassian-plugin.xml file as follows:

<atlassian-plugin name='Hello World Macro' key='confluence.extra.helloworld' pluginsVersion='2'>
        <description>Example user macro</description>
        <vendor name="Atlassian Software Systems" url="http://www.atlassian.com"/>

    <user-macro name='helloworld' key='helloworld' hasBody='true' bodyType='raw' outputType='html'>
        <description>Hello, user macro</description>
        <template><![CDATA[Hello, $body and $paramexample !]]></template>
            <parameter name="example" type="string"/>

    <!-- more macros... -->

If your macro doesn't define any parameter, you should leave <parameters> tag empty.

Available attributes


Allowed Values


  • true – the macro expects a body (i.e. {hello}World{hello}).
  • false – the macro does not expect a body (i.e. Hello, {name})
    Default: false.


  • raw – the body will not be processed before it is given to the template.
  • escapehtml – HTML tags will be escaped before they are given to the template.
  • rendered – the body will be rendered as wiki text before it is given to the template.
    Default: raw.


  • html – the template produces HTML that should be inserted directly into the page.
  • wiki – the template produces wiki text that should be rendered to HTML before it is inserted into the page.
    Default: html.

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