Forge migration events

Forge migration events are generated from your server to Forge app migration built on the app migration platform.

You can consume these events by invoking your Forge function using a trigger.


You can add the following events to your Forge trigger.

avi:ecosystem.migration:triggered:listenerYour server app migration listener has been triggered.
avi:ecosystem.migration:uploaded:app_dataYour server app uploaded app data.
avi:ecosystem.migration:requested:transfer_cancellationThe user has cancelled a transfer.
avi:ecosystem.migration:errored:listenerAn unhandled exception ocurred in your server app migration listener.
avi:ecosystem.migration:completed:export_phasecompleteExport() has been called in your server app to signal to your Forge app that all app data has been uploaded
avi:ecosystem.migration:settled:transferThe app migration platform has settled the transfer.


This is the data that is passed to your Forge function when it is invoked.

eventTypestringThe migration event type.
transferIdstringAn ID (UUID) that the app migration platform uniquely generates per migration.
migrationDetails.migrationIdstringAn ID (UUID) that the app migration platform uses to uniquely identify a migration.
migrationDetails.migrationScopeIdstringAn ID that the app migration platform generates to uniquely determine a source (server) and destination (cloud-site) of migration.
migrationDetails.createdAtnumberTimestamp of when the app migration was created.
migrationDetails.cloudUrlstringURL of the destination cloud site for the migration.
migrationDetails.namestringThe name of the migration plan provided by the user who initiated the migration.
keystringAn ID (UUID) to uniquely identify the data your server app uploads to cloud storage. This will only be present on avi:ecosystem.migration:uploaded:app_data events.
labelstring | undefinedMetadata that provides additional information about the data your server app uploads to cloud storage. This will only be present on avi:ecosystem.migration:uploaded:app_data events.
messageIdstringAn ID (UUID) that the app migration platform generates to uniquely recognise an event.

Example payload

  "eventType": "avi:ecosystem.migration:uploaded:app_data",
  "transferId": "3f3a47f2-a6a2-4204-84bb-d0fc504c9dc6",
  "migrationDetails": {
    "migrationId": "403c4f71-a0d1-4a63-97a8-487d18691c46",
    "migrationScopeId": "0ba07dd9-3804-4600-9102-fa6e1efeab08",
    "createdAt": 1723111376499,
    "cloudUrl": "",
    "name": "Migration Plan Name"
  "key": "e094ca53-3747-4541-b263-0bf7b56a5bca",
  "label": "file-label-you-used",
  "messageId": "53f88ea7-a2d2-4dd2-9f36-2d8c43401b11"

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