Last updated Mar 4, 2025RSS feed


This changelog is the source of truth for all changes to the Marketplace that affect people publishing apps.

Posts are made in the Marketplace announcements category of the developer community when the changelog is updated. Subscribe to the Marketplace announcements category to get notifications.

4 March 2025

Announcement App Bundles on Marketplace: Request for Participation in Pilot

We're excited to announce the launch of a pilot program for App Bundles on Marketplace!

We are looking for early adopters to work with us along the way.

What are bundles?

App Bundles represent a curated collection of multiple apps, offered to Marketplace customers as a cohesive package for purchase. Bundles enable partners to sell a collection of apps that work better together while simplifying decision-making and streamlining customer purchasing.

How will the pilot work?

The pilot will include the creation of a unified discovery experience of apps in the form of a single bundle listing. We will be using discount codes to provide a lower price point for apps in a bundle as compared to set pricing for individual apps

For the pilot, a select group of partners will be able to participate and create bundles on Marketplace. Interested in being a part of it? Please take a look at the expectations page and submit your interest via this form by Mar 14, 2025.

Partners are also encouraged to read this quick reference guide to get more information on the overall vision of app bundles from Marketplace.

3 March 2025

Announcement Correction to Free licenses data

We identified an error in the data display for Free Apps. Specifically, the maintenance start date was inaccurately updated to reflect the most recent changes in the license, which was not the accurate representation of the maintenance start date.

The issue has now been corrected, and therefore changes will be deployed on 3rd March 2025, impacting 1,039,402 records across Partners.

Partners can access the correct data by checking maintenanceStartDate in the license report APIs using the showLifeTimeFreeLicenses filter across:

  1.{vendorId}/reporting/licenses?showLifeTimeFreeLicenses=true - Get life time free apps licenses data

  2.{vendorId}/reporting/licenses/async/export?showLifeTimeFreeLicenses=true - Initiate async export of life time free apps licenses data

  3.{vendorId}/reporting/licenses/export?showLifeTimeFreeLicenses=true - Export life time free apps licenses data

21 February 2025

Announcement Marketplace Platform Changes GA and Partner Implications

Atlassian Marketplace is transitioning to a scalable architecture by reengineering our monolithic data model and adopting a microservices-based approach to enhance reliability and scalability. With this, Marketplace partners will see some changes which will require adoption.

Key changes for Marketplace partners:

  • Transition from V2 APIs:

  • User experience enhancements: We are improving visual design of some of our experiences. These updates primarily focus on modernizing the tech stack and aligning with Atlassian Design Systems, replacing older designs.

For more information on implementation details and release dates, have a look at the Quick Reference Guide. Let us know your feedback as comments on the QRG.

More details

Why are we doing it?

To sustain and accelerate the growth of our Marketplace business alongside our partners, modernising our technology stack is essential. This modernisation will enable us to:

  • Deliver features faster and resolve incidents more efficiently, overcoming current limitations.

  • Build advanced capabilities that our partners and customers need.

  • Simplify system complexity caused by the legacy technology and architecture.

Call to Action

  • Plan your transition to new APIs: Start integrating the new API contracts into your systems to enhance performance, reliability, and capabilities. Allocate time in your development roadmap for testing and implementation once available.

  • Remove reliance on Deprecated APIs: Plan to stop using any deprecated APIs by their deprecation dates.

  • Stay informed: Monitor upcoming communications for final API contracts and transition timelines.

For more information on implementation details and release dates, see the QRG guide.

20 February 2025

Announcement Flexible pricing options for multiple instances

Multi-instance licensing is now live!The Atlassian Marketplace has introduced a new level of flexibility in app billing and licensing. This enhancement allows Cloud Enterprise customers to be charged based on the number of unique users of the app across multiple instances, irrespective of the number of product instances.

Customer GA is targeted for May 2025. The capability to set multi-instance pricing for apps is available from today, Feb 20, 2025. We recommend planning and setting your new pricing by May 15, 2025.

Key Points for Partners

  • Multi-Instance Pricing: Partners must offer multi-instance pricing for paid cloud apps alongside single-instance pricing, with flexibility to set different prices.

  • Existing Apps: Multi-instance pricing will be enabled by default, initially matching single-instance pricing.

  • Default Pricing: The pricing console will default multi-instance pricing to 1x of single-instance pricing, but partners can adjust this multiplier or edit fields as needed.

  • Customization: Partners can set multi-instance pricing as a price multiplier (≥1x of single-instance pricing) and edit pricing across different user tiers.

More details

Learn more here or via the developer documentation

19 February 2025

Announcement Feedback Reporting fix: Updated customer feedback for churn events

We have identified an issue within our system that resulted in the absence of customer feedback on churn events via the Feedback APIs between January to February 2025.

This issue has now been resolved, and consequently, 167,332 customer feedback records will be made available across all partners. These customer feedbacks were generated during the period from August 2020 to the present date. Effective Feb 20, 2025, partners will gain access to customer feedback regarding churn events from both historical and current feedback through reporting, as well as via the following APIs:

18 February 2025

Announcement Important notice: Updates to REST API rate limits

We have recently noticed an unusual increase in API usage. In order to maintain reliable services for both Atlassian customers and partners, we will begin enforcing more granular rate limits for Confluence and Jira APIs.

We will begin enforcing REST API (Quota and Burst based) rate limits for all free apps on or after August 18, 2025. We have added additional headers to provide further transparency. Please monitor header responses to see where you are at with regard to limits.

In some circumstances where apps are highly impacting the stability of our platform, we reserve the right to enforce the limits at an earlier date. We will notify your listed contact via email if you are impacted. Additionally, we are planning to bring clarity to rate limits across our platform infrastructure over the next year, including paid apps.

We recommend all customers and partners ensure they're not exceeding the rate limits so that they do not get impacted at a later date.

Learn more about the header responses and read relevant FAQs about rate limiting adjustments for Jira here and Confluence here.

Announcement Share your interest in the App Editions EAP

We're excited to announce that we’re expanding the early access program (EAP) for App Editions to more partners. Our goal this time is to engage additional partners who have previously expressed interest and those who have recently shown enthusiasm for developing editions.

This approach will ensure readiness when we activate the customer General Availability (GA) switch, also known as Milestone 3, in Q2 of calendar year 2025. We have a quick but involved path from EAP to General Availability and are looking for our early adopters to work with us along the way.

Learn more about the EAP participation criteria and requirements here. If you’re interested in participating in the early access program Round 2, please complete the attached form by Mar 3, 2025.

Fixed New Billing System Field and Dual Licensing Reason Code updates in Licenses and Transaction Report

Starting Feb 18, 2025 , we are introducing two updates:

  1. New Billing System Field (newBillingSystem) in Marketplace reporting Licensing API

    • This field indicates whether a customer entitlement is on the new or old billing system.

    • Yes = Entitlement is on the new billing system

    • No = Entitlement is still on the old billing system

    • If case of free apps data this fields  is not available

    • This is particularly important for Marketplace partners participating in App Editions, as it helps identify which cloud customers are on the new vs. old billing system.

    • The field will be maintained when a customer transitions between billing systems.

  2. Dual Licensing Discount Reason Code in Marketplace reporting Transactions API
    We have backfilled data for 62,000 transactions across various partner accounts to correctly display dual licensing discounts for records that were not displaying it earlier. These records were originally not displayed as DUAL_LICENSING but are now correctly labeled. To improve accuracy, we have enhanced our pipeline to map a specific internal reason code(which previously was a free text field) to dual licensing.

    Partners can access these discounts via the Transactions API and read the following fields:

    • Discount Type: Manual

    • Reason Code: DUAL_LICENSING

13 February 2025

Announcement Set Pricing Blocked for 3 Days (February 17th to 19th, 2025)

Multi-instance licensing will soon be available. This licensing model will enable Cloud Enterprise customers to be charged based on the number of unique users of the app across multiple instances, regardless of the number of product instances. We are aiming for Customer GA in May 2025. However, the capability to set multi-instance pricing for apps will be available on Feb 20, 2025.

Important Notice: Pricing Updates Blocked for 3 Days for all apps (February 17th-19th, 2025)

To facilitate a seamless rollout of multi-instance licensing (MIL), we will block set pricing updates for three days (February 17th to 19th, 2025) prior to the multi-instance partner release on Feb 20, 2025. This pause will allow us to run migration and validate APIs effectively.

More details

Important: During the three-day pricing freeze, new app submissions for approval will be blocked if they require pricing changes. However, apps with pre-set pricing can still be submitted for approval.

12 February 2025

Fixed Correction of Data in Marketplace Reporting Licenses API

We have resolved several data inconsistencies in the Marketplace Reporting Licenses API caused by edge cases/scenarios supported on our new billing system.

As part of these corrections, we have updated key fields like maintenanceEndDate, licenseType, and status for approximately 10,000 active license records created or migrated to the new billing system across all Marketplace partners' data. Additionally, about 500 licenses have been corrected for fields such as hostEntitlementNumber, hostEntitlementId, parentProductBillingCycle, parentProductEdition, partnerDetails, unit_count, and tier

Deployment Timeline

These changes will be deployed to production on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. You can retrieve updated records based on timestamp changes.

Examples of some key scenarios fixed -

  • When a customer moved from annual to monthly billing, the maintenanceEndDate previously retained the annual end date. This has now been corrected to reflect the current billing period's end date.

  • In cases where customers canceled a paid period and created a new one, license records were not correctly updated.

Some inactive licenses were impacted, for which the data is also fixed. If needed, you can pull inactive license data to refresh your pipelines and ensure your records reflect these corrections.

6 February 2025

Announcement Changes to App detail page

We are updating the look and feel of the "App details" flows in the partner portal. The functionality of the different components will remain the same and the updates are limited to visual changes only.

Initially, a small percentage of partners will gain access to these updates, with a phased rollout planned for all partners to complete by Feb 14, 2025. For more information, please refer to the Quick Reference Guide(QRG) here.

3 February 2025

Fixed Reduction of egress domains no longer triggers a major version update

Permission changes towards the reduction of domain egress of your app are now treated as a a minor update.

For example, while previously triggering major updates, the following external egress permission changes now trigger a minor update:

  • Updating {"IMAGES":["*"]} to {"IMAGES":["any list of domains"]}

  • Updating * to

As such, we encourage partners to improve the trust posture of their apps by reducing the egress or improving the transparency of the app egress.

These updates can help if you’re looking to make your app eligible for the Runs on Atlassian badge. To know more about Runs on Atlassian, see this developer blog post.

Note, the removal of egress does not require a major version update of apps.

31 January 2025

Announcement Manage apps in Admin Hub

As announced early Sep we are now in the final phase of moving the in-product app management experience (UPM) across to Connected Apps which can be accessed from

The app management entry point in products will remain and we will start to progressively direct admins to Connected Apps

Roll out start: 10th Feb 2025

Roll out end: 19th Feb 2025

More details

All key UPM features will become available in Connected Apps before we deprecate the experience and further improvement will be added over time.

Only the UPM Frontend will be deprecated. This change does not affect UPM APIs. No action is required by developers.

Announcement Branding & Naming Violation hard block extended to Feb 14, 2025

We understand many of you are just getting back from the holidays and are also gearing up for Atlas Camp next week. Due to this, we will be pushing the hard block from Jan 31, 2025 to Feb 14, 2025 to provide you with some additional time, learn more here

For apps still in violation, we will work in close collaboration with you, and you will receive further communication outlining the subsequent steps to resolve the violation.

30 January 2025

Announcement Server end of support - Server listings to be removed from Marketplace in June 2025

On Feb 15, 2024, we officially ended support for our server products. Customers were no longer able to purchase, renew, upgrade, or receive any further support for all Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Bamboo, and Crowd server apps.
In June 2025, we will be removing the Server listings from the Atlassian Marketplace. Post these changes for all apps (besides Fisheye and Crucible) -

  1. Server-only app listings will be removed from the Marketplace.

  2. Server pages for apps with server hosting type will be removed.

For more information and nuances, please check this QRG.

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