Client Web Fragment Plugin Modules

Client Web Panel Plugin Module


Client Web Panels are part of Bitbucket Data Center's Client Web Fragment family of modules. They parallel the functionality of Web Panels, but are rendered dynamically in the browser.


The root element for the Client Web Panel plugin module is client-web-panel. It allows the following attributes and child elements for configuration:


keyYesThe identifier of the plugin module. This key must be unique within the plugin where it is defined.N/A
nameThe human-readable name of the plugin module. I.e. the human-readable name of the web panel.N/A
locationYesLocation into which this web panel should be placed. For non-sectioned locations, this is just the location key. For sectioned locations it is the location key, followed by a slash ('/'), and the name of the web section in which it should appear.N/A
weightDetermines the order in which web panels appear. Panels are displayed in order of ascending weight. The 'lightest' weight is displayed first, the 'heaviest' weight sink to the bottom.1000


NameRequiredDescriptionDefaultDefault type
condition Defines a condition (evaluated on the server during page render) that must be satisfied for the web panel to be displayed. For details on using conditions, see Web Fragments - Conditions. N/AN/A
conditions Defines the logical operator type to evaluate its condition elements (evaluated on the server during page render). By default 'AND' will be used. N/AN/A
context-provider Defines the data that will be passed to your web-panel's "js" type fields. This acts similarly to how it would on a normal web-panel (see Web Panel - Context provider), but there will be no incoming context object passed to the ContextProvider. N/AN/A

Defines a JS function that is evaluated before each display of the client-web-panel. if the function returns true, the client-web-panel will be displayed.

NOTE: client-conditions should not be used for hiding sensitive data. See the Security Note on client web fragments for details.

client-context-provider Defines a JS function for transforming the data that will be passed to your client-web-panel's "js" type fields. N/Ajs
dependencyDefines a Web Resource that this client-web-panel depends on.N/AN/A
descriptionThe description of the plugin module. The 'key' attribute can be specified to declare a localisation key for the value instead of text in the element body. I.e. the description of the web panel.N/AN/A
resourceYesResources in a client-web-panel are used to specify a template that should be rendered. Currently Soy templates are supported. Either a resource with name "view" or a view element is required.N/AN/A
viewA JavaScript function that returns an HTML string to display. Either a resource with name "view" or a view element is required.N/Ajs
paramParameters for the plugin module. Use the 'key' attribute to declare the parameter key, then specify the value in either the 'value' attribute or the element body. This element may be repeated. These will be merged into the context.N/Atext
tooltipIs the text representation used for mouse-over text for the link. Note that this value may be ignored in some situations.N/Atext


Here is an example atlassian-plugin.xml file containing a client web panel and its dependencies:

<atlassian-plugin name="My Plugin" key="example.plugin" plugins-version="2">
        <description>A basic plugin</description>
        <vendor name="My Company" url=""/>

    <client-web-panel key="myWebPanel" name="A Web Panel" location="web-panel-location" weight="100">
        <context-provider class="com.mycompany.example.plugin.PrivateWidgetsContextProvider" />
        <resource type="soy" name="view" location="example.plugin:soy-templates/example.plugin.widgetList" />

    <web-resource key="widget-manager-js" name="JS for managing widgets">
        <resource type="download" name="widget-manager.js" location="js/widget-manager.js" />

And the corresponding com.mycompany.example.plugin.PrivateWidgetsContextProvider:

package com.mycompany.example.plugin;

import com.atlassian.plugin.web.ContextProvider;
import com.atlassian.bitbucket.user.ApplicationUser;

public class PrivateWidgetsContextProvider implements ContextProvider {

    private WidgetService widgetService;

    public PrivateWidgetsContextProvider(WidgetService widgetService) {
        this.widgetService = widgetService;

    public void init(Map<String, String> params) throws PluginParseException {

    public Map<String, Object> getContextMap(Map<String, Object> context) {
        return ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
                .put("widgets", widgetService.getWidgetsForUser((ApplicationUser) context.get('currentUser')))

And the corresponding widget-manager.js:

var WidgetManager = {
    hasWidgets : function(context) {
        var widgets = context.widgets;
        return widgets && widgets.length > 0;
    getWidgetNames : function(context) {
        var widgets = context.widgets;
        var names = [];
        for (var i = 0, len = widgets.length; i < len; i++) {
        return names;

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