Client Web Fragment Plugin Modules

Commit Property Config Plugin Module

This plugin point is only useful if you already have a Commit Indexer defined. You should read the Commit Indexer documentation first!


The Commit Property Config module descriptor can be used to automatically decorate Commit objects returned by Bitbucket Data Center's Java and REST APIs with properties indexed by your plugin using Commit Indexers.

It is important to note that you do not have to define a Commit Property Config module for your properties to be accessible. The CommitService and CommitIndex have other methods for looking them up. You only need to define a Commit Property Config module if you want your indexed properties to be automatically included by all Commit objects returned from the REST and Java APIs.


This mechanism provides a simple way to expose your plugin's indexed data over REST without defining separate resources.

For example, the regular response from:

GET /rest/api/1.0/projects/PRJ/repos/my-repo/commits/cafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabe

looks like:

  "id": "cafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabe",
  "displayId": "cafebabecaf",
  "author": {...},
  "authorTimestamp": 1234567890123,
  "message": "STASH-1234: s/magic/more magic",
  "parents": [...]

But if you define a Commit Property Config module, responses from this resource will be decorated with your indexed properties:

  "id": "cafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabe",
  "displayId": "cafebabecaf",
  "author": {...},
  "authorTimestamp": 1234567890123,
  "message": "STASH-1234: s/magic/more magic",
  "parents": [...],
  "properties": {
    "byAtlassian": true

Java API

Similarly, Commit objects returned from the CommitService will be automatically populated with any indexed properties that you have defined as preloaded in a Commit Property Config plugin module. These properties are accessible via the PropertySupport methods on Commit.

Note, however, that the request objects for CommitService methods returning commits include Set<String> getPropertyKeys() allowing the caller to request specific properties, so a Commit Property Config plugin module isn't a requirement to retrieve your indexed properties. A Commit Property Config plugin module should only be used if you want all Commit objects to automatically have your properties loaded.


The root element for the Commit Property Config plugin module is <commit-property-config/>. It allows the following two attributes for configuration:



Here is an example atlassian-plugin.xml file containing a single commit indexer and accompanying property config:

<atlassian-plugin name="My Commit Indexer" key="example.plugin.indexer" plugins-version="2">
        <description>A basic component import module test</description>
        <vendor name="My Company" url=""/>

    <commit-indexer key="myCommitIndexer" class="com.mycompany.example.plugin.MyCommitIndexer"/>
    <commit-property-config key="myCommitPropertyConfig" class="com.mycompany.example.plugin.MyCommitPropertyConfiguration"/>

And here is an example CommitPropertyConfiguration implementation that preloads the byAtlassian property used in the Commit Indexer plugin module example.

public class MyCommitPropertyConfiguration implements CommitPropertyConfiguration {

    private static final Set<String> PRELOADED_PROPERTIES = Collections.singleton("byAtlassian");

    public Collection<String> getPropertiesToPreload(Repository repository) {

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