Last updated Apr 2, 2024

Confluence internals history

A brief history of Confluence noting when major features or internal changes were introduced. See the release notes for full details.

Confluence 2.6

Redesign of recent updates, children web UI. Introduced classic theme which maintains old look and feel.

Source structure changed to fit better with Maven 2.

Confluence 2.5.5

Server ID support.

Confluence 2.5

Pages can be restricted to multiple users and/or groups.

Confluence 2.4

Editable comments.

Bundled plugins shipped in, including Plugin Repository Plugin.

First release built with Maven 2.

Confluence 2.3

Clustering possible with a clustered license.

Changed from EhCache caching layer to Tangosol Coherence. This was for both application caches and Hibernate second-level caches.

Moved Bandana (configuration framework) storage from home directory (/config/) to the BANDANA table in the database.

Confluence 2.2

Structure of attachments folder in home directory changed from /attachments/<filename>/<version> to /attachments/<id>/<version> to fix DOC:CONF-4860@JIRA.

Personal spaces.

Simpler Atlassian-User configuration when atlassian-user.xml replaces atlassianUserContext.xml.

Confluence 2.1

Confluence starts using Atlassian-User.

Confluence 2.0

Export Word documents.

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