Last updated Jul 26, 2024

Confluence JSON-RPC APIs

The JSON-RPC API is deprecated since Confluence 5.5. Confluence has a new REST API that is progressively replacing our existing APIs. We recommend plugin developers use the new REST APIs where possible.


The API ships with Confluence 4.1 and later. The plugin is compatible with Confluence 3.5 and later.

It was deprecated in Confluence 5.5.

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The Confluence JSON-RPC API exposes all the existing Confluence SOAP services via the JSON-RPC 2.0 standard. It also supports a 'light' mode where you can supply the method name in the URL, removing the need to have an RPC-specific envelope around your JSON request data.

Quick Start

  1. The JSON-RPC API is bundled with Confluence 4.1 and later. If you are using Confluence 3.5 to 4.0, install the plugin from Atlassian Marketplace.
  2. Read the documentation about Confluence XML-RPC and SOAP APIs.
  3. Decide on your authentication mechanism. Token authentication is not supported. Your RPC client must log in via basic auth, OAuth or piggybacking on an existing login session.
  4. Send POST requests to the Confluence API exposed via JSON-RPC at /rpc/json-rpc/confluenceservice-v2. Note: Leave out the "token" argument of each method in the spec.


SOAP messaging is unfriendly to many developers, especially those wanting to make calls to Confluence in a browser AJAX environment. We have therefore added a JSON-RPC API capability to Confluence, as a more JSON/JavaScript friendly mechanism.

How the API is Implemented

The JSON-RPC API is provided by an open source plugin that is bundled with Confluence 4.1 and later. You can find the plugin source on BitBucket.

The plugin uses the Java server code that makes up the existing SOAP interface in Confluence, and converts the methods to JSON-RPC methods. There is a one-to-one mapping between the methods and parameters in the Confluence SOAP API and the equivalent JSON-RPC methods and parameters. The plugin uses Jackson as the JSON library to provide the mapping between a Java method and JSON-RPC invocation of that method.

The main difference between the SOAP APIs and the JSON-RPC APIs is the JSON-RPC wire format.

  • Make your SOAPcalls as a POST on the following path:

  • Make your JSON-RPCcalls as a POST on this path:


Responses are delivered as MIME type application/json.

The plugin supports notifications and batch requests as per the JSON-RPC standard, and will make a best effort at serving JSON-RPC 1.0 requests.

The JIRA JSON-RPC APIs use the same code and work in a similar manner to Confluence.

Getting Started

You must use the HTTP POST verb. You cannot use GET to invoke JSON-RPC methods.

Request: HTTP POST to /rpc/json-rpc/confluenceservice-v2

Sample input data:

{"jsonrpc" : "2.0",  "method" : "getSpace",  "params" : [ "DOC" ],  "id" : 12345}


{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : {
     "key" : "DOC", "name" : "Documentation Space",
     "url" : "",
     "homePage" : "Home", "description" : "Product Documentation" },
  "id" : 12345 }

The Light Protocol

The plugin also supports a 'light' protocol that allows clients to encode the method name in the URL, and provide only the method arguments in the request body. Non-error responses in the light protocol also leave out the RPC envelope and provide only what would normally be the 'result' object in a regular JSON-RPC response.

In summary:

  • Method is determined by the URL.
  • Request body is a JSON array of arguments. (Named parameters are dealt with in the same way as the heavy protocol.)
  • Response is the raw method result with no result envelope, or a full JSON-RPC error struct if an error occurs.

Request: HTTP POST to /rpc/json-rpc/confluenceservice-v2/getSpace

Sample input data:

[ "DOC" ]


{ "key" : "DOC", "name" : "Documentation Space",
  "url" : "",
  "homePage" : "Home", "description" : "Product Documentation" }

It is your choice whether to use the full or the light JSON-RPC format. One advantage of the light format is that access logs will contain the method invoked, because it is in the URL. The heavy format will not, because the method is inside the POST data.


In Confluence, the plugin does not support the token-based authentication that is normally used by Confluence SOAP plugins. JSON-RPC clients must acquire a valid login either by running in the browser of someone who is already logged in (session authentication), or must log in via basic auth or OAuth.

If a SOAP plugin is configured to support token authentication (that is, it declares <authenticate>true</authenticate> in its module descriptor):

  • The login() method will not be available via JSON-RPC.
  • You must leave out the token argument for each method when calling the JSON-RPC equivalent. For example:
    • SOAP method: storePage(token, page)
    • JSON-RPC method: storePage(page)

Date Conversion

Because JSON has no native date type, dates are represented in JSON as the number of milliseconds since the epoch, GMT. In JavaScript you can pass this number into the Date() constructor to get a Date object, and you can get it back out by calling Date.getTime().

Methods Available 

Additionally, the methods available to the JSON-RPC API are all defined in the Confluence SOAP API Javadoc. You must translate from the Java structure into JSON objects. Use the normal JavaBean rules for translating from one into the other.

Methods Exposed by Plugins

Each plugin is available at /rpc/json-rpc/XXXXX, where XXXXX is the service path of the plugin.

For example, a SOAP service with a WSDL file at would have a JSON-RPC URL of

Light requests are made by appending /methodName to the regular resource URL.

Named Parameters

JSON-RPC supports two forms of parameter encoding:

  • By position. Parameters are passed as an array of values. These are converted into Java method calls by the plugin as you would expect.
  • By name. Parameters are passed as an object containing named key/value pairs. Because Java does not support named parameters, any such call is converted into a by-position call that takes a single object argument.

In other words, the two following requests are equivalent:

{"jsonrpc" : "2.0",  "method" : "storePage",  "params" : 
   {"space" : "DOC", "title" : "JSON-RPC Documentation" }}
{"jsonrpc" : "2.0",  "method" : "storePage",  "params" :
   [ {"space" : "DOC", "title" : "JSON-RPC Documentation" } ] }

Browsing and Testing your Remote APIs from the Confluence UI

You can browse and test your remote API using the REST Application Browser (RAB). The RAB is a page in the application administrative console. For information on using the RAB, see the documentation for the REST API Browser.

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