Available | Confluence 5.8 and later |
This guide describes how to use the new macro-schema-migrator plugin module to migrate parameters of a macro from one schema version to another. For example, to migrate the parameters of a macro from individual parameters for label, space, author to a single CQL parameter.
In this guide we'll be migrating a simplified Content by Label macro.
Here's the original macro module descriptor. Note the multiple parameter types:
1 2<macro name="contentbylabel" key="simplecontentbylabel" class="com.example.SimpleLabelledContentMacro"> <parameters> <parameter name="label" type="string" required="true"> <parameter name="spaces" type="spacekey"> </parameters> </macro>
This is the new module descriptor with a single CQL parameter and schemaVersion:
1 2<macro name="contentbylabel" key="simplecontentbylabel" schema-version="2" class="com.example.SimpleLabelledContentMacro"> <parameters> <parameter name="cql" type="cql" required="true"> </parameters> </macro>
To migrate from the schema version the plugin should declare a new macro migration module in atlassian-plugin.xml, specifying the schema version that the macro migration migrates from:
1 2<macro-schema-migrator key="contentbylabel-migrator" macro="simplecontentbylabel" version="1" class="com.example.SimpleLabelledContentMacroCqlSchemaMigrator"/>
And implement the MacroMigration interface:
1 2public class LabelledContentMacroCqlSchemaMigrator implements MacroMigration { public MacroDefinition migrate(MacroDefinition macro, ConversionContext context) { String cqlQuery = String.format("label in (%s) and space = %s", convertLabelParameterToCQL(macro.getParameter("label")), convertSpaceParameterToCQL(macro.getParameter("spacekey")); macro.setParameter("cql", cqlQuery); macro.setTypedParameter("cql", cqlQuery); macro.setSchemaVersion(2); // set the schema version to be the target schema version } }
Migration is performed by the MacroSchemaMigrator dynamically when marshalling from the MacroDefinition to the content body representation, specifically it occurs in the:
It's possible to opt out of migration on view, for example if you would like to keep rendering the old parameters, and only use the new parameters when dealing with newly created macro to reduce the migration risk of new features. This can be done by setting the excluded-schema-migration-points attribute on the macro module to view like this:
1 2<macro name="contentbylabel" key="simplecontentbylabel" schema-version="2" class="com.example.SimpleLabelledContentMacro" excluded-schema-migration-points="view">
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